Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

Legislative Index: An Act to change the names of certain persons

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Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons
Subjects: Bailey, Caroline Matilda from Caroline Matilda Morang; Bailey, Charles from Charles Morang; Bailey, Clara from Clara Morang; Bailey, Emily Ellen from Emily Ellen Morang; Bailey, James to James Jenkins; Bailey, William F. from William F. Morang; Beedle, J. Frank from James Franklin Beedle; Beedle, James Franklin to J. Frank Beedle; Benson, Arthur B. from Arthur B. Woodcock; Berry, Mary Jane to Mary Jane Hunnewell; Chaples, Nathaniel to George W. Watts; Coffin, John Billings from John Coffin; Coffin, John to John Billings Coffin; Colby, Harriet to Harriet Frances Vernon; Colby, Hazen to Doctor Ione Vernon; Colby, Maria to Maria H. Vernon; Delong, Aramentia Lawrence from Aramentia Southard; De Witt, Asa from Asa Witt; De Witt, Catherine from Catherine Witt; De Witt, Emily Catherine from Emily Catherine Witt; De Witt, Florance Helen from Frances Helen Witt; DeWitt, Frances Elizabeth from Frances Elizabeth Witt; De Witt, Harriet from Harriet Witt; Dix, Elijah R. from Royal Ray; Emerson, John Henry from John Emerson; Emerson, John to John Henry Emerson; Greenlaw, Edwin from Edwin M. Walsgrove; Haskell, Lewis Ripley from Ripley Haskell; Haskell, Ripley to Lewis Ripley Haskell; Hunnewell, Mary Jane from Mary Jane Berry; Jenkins, James from James Bailey; Johnston, Joseph Haley from Joseph Johnston; Johnston, Joseph to Joseph Haley Johnston; Jones, Samuel Hopkins from Samuel Jones; Jones, Samuel to Samuel Hopkins Jones; Kirk, Joseph S. from Joseph S. Kirkpatrick; Kirkpatrick, Joseph S. to Joseph S. Kirk; Lufkin, Matilda Abba from Abigail Matilda Thomas; Morang, Caroline Matilda to Caroline Matilda Bailey; Morang, Charles to Charles Bailey; Morang, Clara to Clara Bailey; Morang, Emily Ellen to Emily Ellen Bailey; Morang, William F. to William F. Bailey; Name Changes; Pike, Jabez Marston from Jabez Pike; Pike, Jabez to Jabez Marston Pike; Ray, Royal to Elijah R. Dix; Read, Thomas from Thomas Sears, Junior; Runnels, Alvina P. from Patience Runnels; Runnels, Clara C. from Content Runnels; Runnels, Content to Clara C. Runnels; Runnels, Patience to Alvina P. Runnels; Sears, Thomas, Junior, to Thomas Read; Southard, Aramentia to Aramentia Lawrence Delong; Staples, Abba T. to Abba T. True; Staples, Caroline to Caroline True; Thomas, Abigail Matilda to Matilda Abba Lufkin; True, Abba T. from Abba T. Staples; True, Caroline from Caroline Staples; True, Eben from Ebenezer True, Junior; True, Ebenezer, Junior, to Eben True; Vernon, Doctor Ione from Hazen Colby; Vernon, Harriet Frances from Harriet Colby; Vernon, Maria H. from Maria Colby; Walsgrove, Edwin M. to Edwin Greenlaw; Watts, George W. from Nathaniel Chaples; Witt, Asa to Asa De Witt; Witt, Catherine to Catherine De Witt; Witt, Emily Catherine to Emily Catherine De Witt; Witt, Florance Helen to Florance Helen De Witt; Witt, Frances Elizabeth to Frances Elizabeth De Witt; Witt, Harriet to Harriet De Witt; Woodcock, Arthur B. to Arthur B. Benson
Year: 1852
Type: PS Ch 129
Reference Code: 265-129
To order a copy of this record, contact the Maine State Archives

An updated and expanded legislative index is now available as part of the Maine State Archives Catalog.

Source citation: "Maine Legislative Index, 1820-1855, 1861-1865," database, Maine Genealogy ( : accessed 8 October 2024), entry for An Act to change the names of certain persons, 1852, citing Legislature and Legislature 61-65 databases, Maine State Archives.

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