Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

Legislative Index: An Act to change the names of certain persons

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Description: An Act to change the names of certain persons
Subjects: Barker, Nellie A. from Arathusa J. Brown; Barker, Noah; Beverly, Smith C. from Smith C. Pung; Brown, Arathusa J. to Nellie A. Barker; Brown, John T. to Thomas Fremont; Buker, Solomon Eaton to John Eaton; Eaton, John from Solomon Eaton Buker; Farrar, Dexter from Dexter Farrow; Farrar, Lucy A. from Lucy A. Farrow; Farrar, Rebecca A. from Rebecca A. Farrow; Farrow, Dexter to Dexter Farrar; Farrow, Lucy A. to Lucy A. Farrar; Farrow, Rebecca A. to Rebecca A. Farrar; Fremont, Thomas from John T. Brown; Furbish, Augustus H. F. to Hermann Frank Furbish; Furbish, Hermann Frank from Augustus H. F. Furbish; Herrick, John Pratt from John Augustus Pratt; Hunter, George M.; Hunter, Linda M. from Lorinda Richardson; Hussey, Ann M from Ann M. Nute; Leeman, Mary Ellen from Mary Ellen Robins; Leeman, William S.; Littlefield, Eliza A. from Eliza S. Snell; Moulton, Isaac from Isaac M. Moulton; Moulton, Isaac M. to Isaac Moulton; Name Changes; Nute, Ann M. to Ann M. Hussey; Pratt, John Augustus to John Pratt Herrick; Pung, Smith C. to Smith C. Beverly; Richardson, Lorinda to Linda M. Hunter; Robins, Mary Ellen to Mary Ellen Leeman; Robinson, Ellen Augusta to Helen Augusta Robinson; Robinson, Helen Augusta from Ellen A. Robinson; Rowe, Amelia B. to Mary Isabel Waters; Small, Ellen Augusta; Small, Louise Adelaide from Marial Louisa Small; Small, Maria Louisa to Louise Adelaide Small; Snell, Eliza S. to Eliza S. Littlefield; Stetson, John O'Brien from John O'Brien Tupper; Tupper, John O'Brien to John O'Brien Stetson; Waters, Mary Isabel from Amelia B. Rowe; Waters, Samuel and others
Year: 1863
Type: PS
Reference Code: 385-61
To order a copy of this record, contact the Maine State Archives

An updated and expanded legislative index is now available as part of the Maine State Archives Catalog.

Source citation: "Maine Legislative Index, 1820-1855, 1861-1865," database, Maine Genealogy ( : accessed 6 December 2024), entry for An Act to change the names of certain persons, 1863, citing Legislature and Legislature 61-65 databases, Maine State Archives.

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