Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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201Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of the Inhabitants of Weld that the Ministerial and School Funds may be put into one fund the interest of which shall go to the benefit of common schools in said Town and remonstrance of Elisha Holman and others1847
202Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of Houlton and Patten Academies1847
203Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to amend Chapter 349 of the Special Laws of 18331847
204Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of Joseph Braddock and others that they may be set off from School District 5 in the Town of Knox and annexed to School District 8 in the Town of Brooks1847
205Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Trustees of Houlton Academy1847
206Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of John H. Rice and others that a Teachers Institute may be established in Monson1847
207Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Litchfield Liberal Institute1847
208Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of Timothy Fuller and others that a grant of land may be made to Lincoln High School1847
209Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to establish teachers institutes1847
210Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Trustees of Patten Academy (No Petition)1847
211Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of J. S. Holmes and others that the annual school fund arising from the Bank tax be appropriated to establish Normal Schools in each County in this State1847
212Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on a Resolve in favor of Peol Socabeson and for an appropriation of money for the establishment and support of schools in their tribe (Penobscot Indians)1847
213Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act in relation to public schools1847
214Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of the Stockholders of Monson Academy that the State would grant them one half township of land (No Petition)1847
215Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on an Act additional to an Act in relation to schools in certain Plantations1847
216Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Order relative to the location of school houses1847
217Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of Lemuel Peters and others for an Act confirming the doings of the School District in Blue Hill and establishing the location of their school house1848
218Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of East Corinth Academy1848
219Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of Monson Academy1848
220Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act for the regulation of the Newry School Funds1848
221Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Trustees of the Union Academy at Oldtown1848
222Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of Lincoln High School1848
223Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of Waite Plantation1848
224Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of the Trustees of Somerset Academy1848
225Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of the Trustees of Litchfield Academy that said Institution may be endowed by the State1848

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