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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 151 to 175 of 208

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151Military AccountsResolve for the payment of1821
152Militia AccountsReport on an Act additional relating to the Militia1842
153Officers AccountsReport on a Resolve in relation to the accounts of officers of the Quarter Master's Department in the Aroostook Expedition1843
154Passamaquoddy IndiansReport on the Petition of the accounts of Sylvanus Leland, Agent for the Passamaquoddy Tribe of Indians1849
155Penobscot IndiansResolve relating to the settlement of the accounts of the Agent of the Tribe of1828
156PlantationsA bill for savings institutions to report to assessors of cities, towns and plantations, the names of persons who have $300 or more in accounts1864
157Poor, Support ofAn Act for an Act specifying the evidence to accompany accounts exhibited for1821
158Public LandsResolve authorizing the State Treasurer to adjust the accounts among the lots reserved for public uses in certain cases1855
159Quarter MasterReport on a Resolve in relation to the accounts of officers of the Quarter Master's Department in the Aroostook Expedition1843
160ReturnsAn Act to change the time of rendering certain official accounts and making returns1845
161Roll of Accounts #2Resolve for the payment of the Roll of Accounts #21861
162Roll of Accounts #2Resolve for the payment of the Roll of Accounts #21861
163Roll of Accounts #3Resolve for the payment of Roll of Accounts Numbered 3 for 18621862
164Roll of Accounts #3Resolve for payment of additional Roll of Accounts #3 for 18621862
165Rose, Daniel (late)Resolve authorizing the settlement of the Accounts of, late Land Agent1834
166Saint Croix BankResolve directing the State Treasurer to balance accounts with the Washington County and Saint Croix Banks1855
167Savings InstitutionsA bill for savings institutions to report to assessors of cities, towns and plantations, the names of persons who have $300 or more in accounts1864
168Sewall, Oliver and othersReport on the petition of, to have accounts for the support of Samuel Judkins, pauper, paid by the State1826
169Sheriffs AccountsReport regarding the Committee assigned to correct errors in, and Coroners Accounts1821
170Stanwood, Daniel C.Resolve for the payment of accounts against the State1846
171State AccountsThe payroll # 7, for 1826 and Resolve accompanying for the payment against the State, of1826
172State AccountsResolve for the payment of1828
173State AccountsSee Accounts 1830 RS 29-39
174State AccountsSee Accounts Allowed
175State AccountsSee Accounts Allowed

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