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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1AccountsReport on the order relative to a Resolve providing for payment of the Adjutant General and Quarter Master General1828
2Adjutant GeneralResolve regarding the salary of the1821
3Adjutant GeneralReport regarding military discipline1823
4Adjutant GeneralResolve in favor of the Treasurer of the State and1823
5Adjutant GeneralResolve regarding additional funds1824
6Adjutant GeneralAn Act regarding the salary of the1824
7Adjutant GeneralAn Act limiting the tenure of the Office of1829
8Adjutant GeneralResolve authorizing the, to distribute copies of the Abstract of Infantry Tactics and System of Exercise and instructions of Field Artillery1830
9Adjutant GeneralSee Coney, Samuel (sic) 1831 GY 67-16
10Adjutant GeneralSee Cony, Samuel 1832 GY 76-2
11Adjutant GeneralSee Clerk Hire 1833 GY 80-10
12Adjutant GeneralReport on a Resolve relating to the pay of the1833
13Adjutant GeneralSee Sewall, Joseph 1834 RS 46-74
14Adjutant GeneralSee Clerk Hire 1835 GY 89-17
15Adjutant GeneralResolve making appropriations for certain Military purposes1835
16Adjutant GeneralResolve authorizing the Secretary of State to furnish the, with Greenleaf's and Fairfield's Reports1835
17Adjutant GeneralAnnual Report of the Adjutant General1843
18Adjutant GeneralReport on an Act regulating the salary of the Adjutant General1846
19Adjutant GeneralResolve for the transfer of military papers from the Office of the Secretary of State to the Office of the Adjutant General1854
20Adjutant GeneralResolve in favor of A. B. Thompson (Papers Missing)1855
21Adjutant GeneralLetters of acceptance of various state officials1861
22Adjutant GeneralReport on an order to make certain State Officials elected by the public1862
23Adjutant GeneralReport on the Letters of Acceptance1862
24Adjutant GeneralCommunication of the Adjutant General regarding the military and arms of the State1862
25Adjutant GeneralOrders on notification of election1862

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