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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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726Roberts, A. M. and othersReport on a bill to extend the line of the Bangor, Oldtown and Milford Railroad through Lincoln to Mattawamkeag1861
727Rules of the RoadReport on the Petition of James McClure and others for an alteration of the law regulating the transportation of loads over the road from Bangor to Houlton1846
728Saint John River to Bangor RailroadSee Smith, Edward and others 1835 GY 93-30
729SalariesReport on the Petition of William H. McCrillis and others that the salary of the Judge of the Police Court in the City of Bangor may be increased1853
730SalariesAn Act to increase the salary of the Police Judge in the City of Bangor1854
731Sedgwick Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Andrew Peters and sundry others for an appropriation for a survey of a route for the European and North American Railroad between Bangor and Calais1852
732Senate Paper 09An Act to incorporate the Bangor and Brewer Street Railroad Company1864
733Senate Paper 12An Act to establish the Bangor Wet Dock Company1864
734SmeltsReport on the petition of F.W. Meservey and others for an Act regulating smelt fishery on the Penobscot River near Bangor1863
735Smith, Edward and othersReport on the Petition that they may be incorporated for the purpose of building a Railroad from Saint John's River to Bangor1835
736Smith, George R. and othersAn Act to incorporate the Bangor Sugar Company1853
737Societies, Lodges and AssociationsAn Act to incorporate the Bangor Mercantile Association1844
738Societies, Lodges and AssociationsAn Act to incorporate the Bangor Horticultural Society1849
739Societies, Lodges and AssociationsAn Act to authorize the Bangor Mercantile Association to appoint Port Wardens for the Port of Bangor1854
740Societies, Lodges and AssociationsAn Act to incorporate the Bangor Historical Society1864
741Soper, William A. and othersReport on a bill to extend the line of the Bangor, Oldtown and Milford Railroad through Lincoln to Mattawamkeag1861
742State Arsenal, BangorResolve providing for the repair and painting of the State Arsenal, at Bangor1849
743State ArsenalsResolve authorizing the acting Quarter Master General to dispose of certain articles of property in the State Arsenals at Portland and Bangor1843
744Sterling, John and othersA bill for compensation for transportation of the Maine Volunteers from Fort Fairfield to Bangor and for subsistance furnished1864
745Stetson, IsaiahReport on the petition of the Mayor of Bangor regarding an additional term of the Supreme Judicial Court for criminal trials in Penobscot County1861
746Stetson, IsaiahReport on the petition of the Bangor City Council that they may be authorized to change the limits of the several wards1863
747Steuben Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Andrew Peters and sundry others for an appropriation for a survey of a route for the European and North American Railroad between Bangor and Calais1852
748StocksAn Act to increase the capital stock of the Mercantile Bank, Bangor1861
749StocksAn Act to reduce the capital stock of the Traders Bank, Bangor1861
750StocksAn Act to increase the Capital Stock of the Mercantile Bank, Bangor1863

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