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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Petition to be incorporated for the purpose of building a railroad from Bath to Brunswick1837
2An Act additional to incorporate Dummer Sewall and others, Proprietors of the New Meeting House in the Town of Bath into a Religious Society by the name of1839
3An Act to establish the boundary line between Bath and Phippsburg1840
4Report on an Act concerning the public schools of Bath1855
519th Maine InfantryA bill that compensation be allowed for the military services of F.E. Heath as Lt. Colonel of the 19th Maine Volunteers at Bath1864
619th Maine InfantryA bill that compensation may be allowed to Frederick D. Sewall for military services as Colonel of the 19th Maine Regiment at Bath1864
7Andrews, Abby Edla from Bathsheba AndrewsAn Act to change the names of certain persons1853
8Andrews, Bathsheba to Abby Edla AndrewsAn Act to change the names of certain persons1853
9Androscoggin Railroad CompanyAn Act to authorize the City of Bath to lend further aid in the construction of the Androscoggin Railroad1861
10Androscoggin Railroad CompanyReport on the petition of Oliver Moses, President of the Androscoggin Railroad Company, to change the name to Bath and Farmington Railroad Company …1862
11Androscoggin Railroad CompanyAn Act authorizing the City of Bath to lend further aid to the Androscoggin Railroad Company1863
12Ardent SpiritsReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Bath for an addition to the Act restricting the sale of intoxicating drinks1848
13ArrowsicAn Act to incorporate the Bath Iron Mining and Manufacturing Company1865
14BangorReport on the Petition of the Cities of Bangor and Bath for a law to prevent truants1850
15BanksAn Act to incorporate the Bath Savings Institution1852
16BanksAn Act to incorporate the Bath Bank (No Petition)1855
17BanksReport on the petition of the Directors that the stockholders be authorized to reduce the capital stock of the Long Reach Bank in Bath1862
18BathResolve authorizing a tax on the pews and seats in the First Baptist Meeting House in1823
19BathSee Low, Elijah and others 1827 GY 47-13
20BathSee Swanton, J. B. and others 1828 GY 52-51
21BathSee Enginemen 1828 PL 51-46
22BathAn Act authorizing the town of, to take stock in the Merrymeeting Bridge1835
23BathReport on the Petition of the Selectmen for a law to prevent damage by mischievous Dogs1835
24BathReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Bath that they may build a bridge over New Meadows River1841
25BathReport on the Petition of John Thwing and others that they and their associates may be incorporated with the powers to establish a ferry from Bath to Woolwich1842

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