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Results 1 to 14 of 14
Subject | Description | Year | |
1 | Banks | An Act to incorporate the Bath Bank (No Petition) | 1855 |
2 | Bath Bank | See Commercial Bank 1832 PS 83-42 | |
3 | Bath Bank | An Act to prolong the Charter of the | 1833 |
4 | Bath Bank | See Commercial Bank 1833 PS 92-21 | |
5 | Bath Bank | An Act further to prolong the Charter of the | 1834 |
6 | Bath Bank | Report on the Petition of the Committee for further time to close their concerns | 1834 |
7 | Bath Bank | An Act additional relating to the Commercial Bank | 1847 |
8 | Bath Bank | An Act to incorporate the Lincoln Bank | 1847 |
9 | Bath Bank | An Act to increase the capital stock of the Sagadahoc Bank | 1849 |
10 | Bath Bank | An Act additional relating to the Commercial Bank | 1850 |
11 | Bath Bank | An Act additional relating to the Lincoln Bank | 1850 |
12 | Bath Bank | An Act additional relating to the Commercial Bank | 1852 |
13 | Bath Bank | An Act to incorporate the City Bank (No Petition) | 1853 |
14 | Bath Bank | An Act to incorporate the Bath Bank (No Petition) | 1855 |
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