Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Beasts StrayedSee Pounds 1826 PL 41-54
2Beasts StrayedSee Wells 1827 PS 44-23
3Beasts StrayedReport on the Order amending or extending the provision of an Act entitled an Act respecting lost goods and, passed January 27, 18211830
4Beasts StrayedReport on the Order to alter the law respecting the taking up of, so that said beasts shall be liable to be taken up at all times and any time of the year1831
5Beasts StrayedReport on the Order amending the law relative to, and relative to the sale of beasts impounded1831
6Beasts StrayedReport on the Order relative to amending the law respecting, and the impounding of beasts1832
7Beasts StrayedAn Act concerning, beasts impounded and stray beasts1834
8Beasts StrayedAn Act additional to the 30th Chapter of the Revised Statutes1845
9Beasts StrayedReport on the Order for an alteration of Chapter 30 of the Revised Statutes1847
10Beasts StrayedSee also Pounds

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