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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 26 to 50 of 51

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26Bradford, MassachusettsReport on the Petition of Mary Walker for authority to sell real estate1848
27Bradford, PelegSee Stinson, J. R. and others 1832 RS 36-55
28Bradford, Thomas R. and sundry othersAn Act to establish the County of Sagadahoc1854
29ChurchesReport on the Petition of Bradford Sawtelle and others for authority to sell the First Baptist Meeting House in Sidney and remonstrance of John Sawtelle and others1847
30County Commissioners, Lincoln CountyReport on the Petition of Isaiah Bradford and others that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County may be authorized to lay out a bridge acroos Friendship River and remonstrance of Thomas C. Kelleran and others1846
31Cushing Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Isaiah Bradford and others that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County may be authorized to lay out a bridge acroos Friendship River and remonstrance of Thomas C. Kelleran and others1846
32Farnham, Bradford and othersAn Act to provide for the appointment of a Superintendent of Common Schools and for county conventions1854
33First Baptist Meeting House, SidneyReport on the Petition of Bradford Sawtelle and others for authority to sell the First Baptist Meeting House in Sidney and remonstrance of John Sawtelle and others1847
34Foster, Bradford S., RepresentativeResolve in favor of B. S. Foster and others1842
35Friendship Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Isaiah Bradford and others that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County may be authorized to lay out a bridge acroos Friendship River and remonstrance of Thomas C. Kelleran and others1846
36Friendship River BridgeReport on the Petition of Isaiah Bradford and others that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County may be authorized to lay out a bridge acroos Friendship River and remonstrance of Thomas C. Kelleran and others1846
37Grass, Cutting ofReport on the Petition of Benjamin Bradford and others that Resolve, Chapter 146 of 1849 relating to cutting grass on public lots on Waite Township, may be rescinded1850
38Kelleran, Thomas C. and othersReport on the Petition of Isaiah Bradford and others that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County may be authorized to lay out a bridge acroos Friendship River and remonstrance of Thomas C. Kelleran and others1846
39Lincoln County CommissionersReport on the Petition of Isaiah Bradford and others that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County may be authorized to lay out a bridge acroos Friendship River and remonstrance of Thomas C. Kelleran and others1846
40Maine ReportsResolve in favor of the Town of Bradford1844
41Public LandsReport on the Petition of Benjamin Bradford and others that Resolve, Chapter 146 of 1849 relating to cutting grass on public lots on Waite Township, may be rescinded1850
42Raymond, Bradford and othersPetitions and remonstrances in relation to the passed law in relation to a January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in York County1862
43Sampson, JosephSurname changed to Joseph Bradford1834
44Sawtelle, Bradford and othersReport on the Petition of Bradford Sawtelle and others for authority to sell the First Baptist Meeting House in Sidney and remonstrance of John Sawtelle and others1847
45Sawtelle, John and othersReport on the Petition of Bradford Sawtelle and others for authority to sell the First Baptist Meeting House in Sidney and remonstrance of John Sawtelle and others1847
46Sidney First Baptist Meeting HouseReport on the Petition of Bradford Sawtelle and others for authority to sell the First Baptist Meeting House in Sidney and remonstrance of John Sawtelle and others1847
47Stevens, John GodfreyName changed to John Stevens Bradford1820
48Transportation: BridgesReport on the Petition of Isaiah Bradford and others that the County Commissioners of Lincoln County may be authorized to lay out a bridge acroos Friendship River and remonstrance of Thomas C. Kelleran and others1846
49WaiteReport on the Petition of Benjamin Bradford and others that Resolve, Chapter 146 of 1849 relating to cutting grass on public lots on Waite Township, may be rescinded1850
50Wiscasset AcademySee Young, Bradford and others 1829 GY 56-29

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