Search Results
Results 1 to 25 of 33
Subject | Description | Year | |
1 | Brownfield | Petition of Frederick Howard to build and incorporate Ten Mile Brook Canal | 1824 |
2 | Brownfield | See Denmark 1825 GY 33-8 | |
3 | Brownfield | See Warren, Ichabod 1826 GY 38-3 | |
4 | Brownfield | An Act to annex part of the land of Ephraim Thompson and Stephen Rounds to | 1831 |
5 | Brownfield | An Act to set off land from Porter to | 1832 |
6 | Brownfield | Report on the Petition of the Inhabitants that a part of Denmark may be annexed to the town of and remonstrance of Job C. Lord and others | 1835 |
7 | Brownfield | Report on the Petition of Zachariah Gibson that his account for expenses in drafting soldiers for the Aroostook Expedition may be allowed | 1841 |
8 | Brownfield | Resolve in favor of Loren Robinson | 1841 |
9 | Brownfield | Report on the Petition of Lorin Robertson for a continuance of a military pension | 1842 |
10 | Brownfield | Resolve in favor of William Poor, Junior | 1847 |
11 | Brownfield | Resolve in favor of William Poor, Junior | 1849 |
12 | Brownfield | Resolve in favor of Hannah Whiting | 1850 |
13 | Brownfield | An Act to set off certain territory from the Town of Brownfield and annex the same to the Town of Hiram | 1852 |
14 | Brownfield | Resolve in favor of William Poor, Junior | 1852 |
15 | Brownfield | Report on the Petition of N. B. Hubbard and others of Hiram and Brownfield, that they may be authorized to alter the line between said Towns so that the portion of Reuben Lowell's farm now in Brownfield may be annexed to Hiram | 1852 |
16 | Brownfield | An Act to set off certain lands from Porter to Brownfield | 1855 |
17 | Brownfield Petition Signers | Resolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and | 1841 |
18 | Brownfield Petition Signers | Petitions to supress the sale of Intoxicationg Liquors (with female petition signers also) | 1845 |
19 | Brownfield Petition Signers | Report on the Petition of Benjamin Barker and others that Capital Punishment may be abolished | 1845 |
20 | Brownfield Petition Signers | Sundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, 1846 (alphabetical by town) | 1847 |
21 | Brownfield Petition Signers | Resolve in favor of Fryeburg Academy | 1850 |
22 | Brownfield Petition Signers | Report on a bill relating to Trail Justices and Justices of the Peace and Quorum | 1863 |
23 | Denmark | Petition of Amos Poor and others to be set off from Brownfield and annexed to | 1823 |
24 | Denmark | Petition of Abraham Lord and Ichabod Warren to be set off from Brownfield and annexed to | 1825 |
25 | Hiram | Report on the Petition of N. B. Hubbard and others of Hiram and Brownfield, that they may be authorized to alter the line between said Towns so that the portion of Reuben Lowell's farm now in Brownfield may be annexed to Hiram | 1852 |
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