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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

Search Results

Results 1 to 25 of 147

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1ChurchesSee Machias First Congregational Society 1820 GY 1-7
2ChurchesSee Machias Religious Society 1820 GY 2-22
3ChurchesSee Lubec First Congregational Society 1820 GY 1-11
4ChurchesSee Portland Baptist Society 1820 PS 1-8
5ChurchesSee Bangor First Calvinist Baptist Society 1821 GY 5-20
6ChurchesSee Gardiner First Methodist Society 1821 GY 6-16
7ChurchesSee Portland Episcopal Church 1821 PS 8-103
8ChurchesSee Union 1821 RS 3-41
9ChurchesSee Pews 1821 GY 8-22
10ChurchesSee Burgen, John 1821 GY 6-13
11ChurchesSee Berwick Baptist Society 1821 RS 3-39
12ChurchesSee Methodist Society of Portland 1821 PS 5-60
13ChurchesSee Eastport First Baptist Church 1821 GY 5-9
14ChurchesSee Dickinson, John and others 1821 GY 6-5
15ChurchesSee Prospect First Baptist Society 1821 GY 3-6
16ChurchesSee Readfield Religious and Charitable Society 1821 PS 7-93
17ChurchesSee Prospect First Baptist Society 1821 GY 4-39
18ChurchesSee Lisbon Universalist Society 1821 GY 6-19
19ChurchesSee Religious Proprietors 1821 GY 6-23B
20ChurchesSee Parishes 1821 PL 10-149
21ChurchesSee Religious Society Taxation 1821 GY 8-8
22ChurchesSee Union First Congregational Society 1821 GY 4-25
23ChurchesSee Wiscasset 1821 RS 2-11
24ChurchesSee Machias East Meeting House 1822 PS 19-63
25ChurchesSee Frankfort Meeting House Corporation 1822 PS 20-84

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