Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 351 to 375 of 523

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351Northeastern BoundaryMessage of the Governor to Special Session of the Legislature, May 1842 relative to Communication from Daniel Webster on the Northeastern Boundary (SS)1842
352Northeastern Boundary DocumentsGovernor's Communication transmitting copies of correspondence with the Lieutenant Governor of New Brunswick and the United States President in relation to a detachment of British Troops1841
353Noyes, John M.Report on the communication of the Letters of Acceptance for various offices1864
354Old Town School CommitteeCommunications regarding school reports and living conditions of the Indians1862
355Old Town School CommitteeCommunication of the Secretary of State on various subjects1863
356Oxford County RoadsReport on the Petition of Alfred J. Stone and others for aid in making roads in the north part of Oxford County and opening communication between Maine and Canada1845
357PaintingsCommunication of Governor Coburn regarding the portrait of Sir William Pepperell and the letter of Hon. S. Brannan1863
358Paris, France Municipal CorporationReport on a communication from Alexander Vattemare relative to international exchanges of books and public documents accompanied by a Report made to the Municipal Corporation of Paris1843
359Passamaquoddy District, Collector ofCommunication from certain Legislative Members to James K. Polk, President of the United States, relative to removal from Office of the Collector of the District of Passamaquoddy1845
360Passamaquoddy IndiansCommunications regarding school reports and living conditions of the Indians1862
361Passamaquoddy IndiansCommunication of the Report on the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy Indians1863
362Patten SelectmenCommunication of S. E. Benjamin for the Selectmen of Patten relative to the Maine Reports and others documents distributed to Towns1854
363Pennsylvania LotteriesSee Governor's Communication 1834 GY 84-37
364Penobscot County CommissionersCommunication from the Penobscot County Commissioners relative to a Charter for a Steam or Horse Power Ferry from Bangor to Brewer1846
365Penobscot Indian Church ParsonageCommunications regarding school reports and living conditions of the Indians1862
366Penobscot IndiansCommunication of the Secretary of State on various subjects1863
367Penobscot IndiansCommunication of the Report on the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy Indians1863
368Penobscot River FisheriesCommunication of Benjamin Shaw, Fish Warden, relative to Penobscot River Fisheries1848
369PensionsReport on the Communication of the Committee on Military Pensions1862
370PensionsCommunication regarding the final report of the Committee on Military Pensions1863
371Pepperell, Sir WilliamCommunication of Governor Coburn regarding the portrait of Sir William Pepperell and the letter of Hon. S. Brannan1863
372Perry School CommitteeCommunications regarding school reports and living conditions of the Indians1862
373Perry, JohnReport on the communication of the Letters of Acceptance for various offices1864
374Perry, John J.Communication of letters of acceptance and refusal of various officers1863
375Peters, J. A. Communication of letters of acceptance of election of certain officers1865

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