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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 26 to 50 of 58

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26County OfficersReport on the Order respecting the salaries of State and County Officers1852
27County OfficersResolve in favor of the Counties of Androscoggin and Sagadahoc1854
28County OfficersAn Act in relation to county officers1861
29County OfficersAn Act to repeal an Act entitled an Act in relation to county officers, Approved March 13, 18611861
30County OfficersA bill to amend to law relative to the mode of balloting for State & County Officers & Presidential Electors requiring each voter to sign the ballot1864
31County OfficersReport that all bills, petitions and orders relating to salaries of County Officers be taken from the files and referred to a Special Committee1865
32County Officers, ElectionAn Act additional relating to the election of certain County Officers1852
33District AttorneyReport on the Order relative to abolishing the Office of Attorney General and of County Attorney and substituting in place of County Officers, District Attorneys1841
34Election, County OfficersAn Act additional relating to the election of certain County Officers1852
35ElectionsAn Act for the election of certain County Officers1842
36ElectionsAn Act in addition to an Act entitled an Act for the election of County Officers approved February 22, 18421844
37ElectionsReport on an Act respecting the election of State and County Officers1852
38ElectionsAn Act allowing qualified electors on island along the coast of the State & in other unincorporated places to vote for State and County Officers ..1864
39ElectionsA bill to amend to law relative to the mode of balloting for State & County Officers & Presidential Electors requiring each voter to sign the ballot1864
40Hallowell Petition SignersAn Act for the election of certain County Officers1842
41IslandsAn Act allowing qualified electors on island along the coast of the State & in other unincorporated places to vote for State and County Officers ..1864
42Jay Petition SignersAn Act for the election of certain County Officers1842
43Merritt, Daniel and othersAn Act for the election of certain County Officers1842
44Presidential ElectorsA bill to amend to law relative to the mode of balloting for State & County Officers & Presidential Electors requiring each voter to sign the ballot1864
45SalariesReport on the Order respecting the salaries of State and County Officers1852
46SalariesReport that all bills, petitions and orders relating to salaries of County Officers be taken from the files and referred to a Special Committee1865
47Somerset County Petition SignersAn Act for the election of certain County Officers1842
48State and County OfficersReport on an Act respecting the election of State and County Officers1852
49State and County OfficersReport on the Order respecting the salaries of State and County Officers1852
50State OfficersA bill to amend to law relative to the mode of balloting for State & County Officers & Presidential Electors requiring each voter to sign the ballot1864

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