Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 251 to 275 of 440

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251Legislative OrdersOrder that the Clerk of Courts in Sagadahoc, Kennebec, Somerset and Lincoln Counties furnish the Legislature the amount of money paid Fish Wardens1863
252Legislative SessionsReport on the Petition of Watson H. Vinal and others of Vinalhaven and North Haven for short sessions of the Legislature and to abolish the County Commissioners Courts1853
253Lewis, Frederic A. and othersReport on the Petition of Frederic A. Lewis and others that the law establishing town courts may be repealed and remonstrance of Daniel G. Adams and others1846
254Limerick Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Horace Bodwell and others to remove the York County Courts from Alfred to Saco and remonstrance of James Neal and others1849
255Limerick Petition SignersSundry remonstrances against the removal of the Courts from Alfred to Biddeford1852
256Limington Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Horace Bodwell and others to remove the York County Courts from Alfred to Saco and remonstrance of James Neal and others1849
257Limington Petition SignersSundry remonstrances against the removal of the Courts from Alfred to Biddeford1852
258Lincoln County Court ClerkOrder that the Clerk of Courts in Sagadahoc, Kennebec, Somerset and Lincoln Counties furnish the Legislature the amount of money paid Fish Wardens1863
259Lincoln County CourtsAn Act to change the places of holding the District Court and Court of County Commissioners in the County of Lincoln and remonstrance of Nathaniel Dennett and others1847
260Lincoln County CourtsReport on the Petition of James Hall and others for a law to change the venue in certain cases in Lincoln County1850
261Lord, Caleb B.Resolve in favor of Caleb B. Lord of Alfred for money paid by mistake as Clerk of the Judicial Courts of York County1861
262Lyman Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Horace Bodwell and others to remove the York County Courts from Alfred to Saco and remonstrance of James Neal and others1849
263Lyman Petition SignersSundry remonstrances against the removal of the Courts from Alfred to Biddeford1852
264Maine Revised StatutesReport on an Act additional to Chapter 11, Section 10 of the Revised Statutes authorizing Clerks of Judicial Courts to act as Registers of Deeds in certain cases1843
265Minors, Guardians ofReport on the Order relative to amending the laws regulating Probate Courts allowing Judges of Probate to grant license to guardians of minors to sell the right in equity of redeeming mortgaged real estate1850
266Monroe Petition SignersAn Act in addition to an Act establishing Town Courts approved March 22, 18441848
267Mount VernonReport on the Petition of Watson H. Vinal and others of Vinalhaven and North Haven for short sessions of the Legislature and to abolish the County Commissioners Courts1853
268Municipal Court JudgesReport on a bill enlarging the jurisdiction of Judges of Municipal and Police Courts and of Trial Justices in Civil Cases1861
269Municipal CourtsAn Act extending the jurisdiction of the, and the Justices of the Peace1826
270Municipal CourtsAn additional Act respecting1832
271Municipal CourtsAn Act additional to an Act to abolish the Bangor Municipal Court and establish a Police Court in said City1841
272Municipal CourtsReport on an Act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases before justices of the peace and municipal and police courts1850
273Municipal CourtsReport on a Act providing for the confinement of persons convicted of crimes before police or municipal courts, town courts and justices of the peace in the House of Correction instead of the county jail1851
274Municipal CourtsAn Act additional to and amendatory of an Act entitled an Act to establish a Municipal Court for the Town of Rockland in the County of Lincoln, approved July 29, 1850 and remonstrance of Iddo Kimball and others1852
275Municipal CourtsAn Act to establish a Municipal Court in the Town of Turner in the County of Oxford1852

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