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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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76Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act to incorporate the Neguemkeag Dam and Lock Company and the remonstrance of William Dorr and others1842
77Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act to repeal an Act entitled an Act to repeal an Act, entitled an Act to incorporate the Kennebec Dam Company and also an Act additional to an Act to incorporate same1843
78Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Petition of John Winslow and others that they may be incorporated into a company to build a dam in Albion and remonstrance of Nathaniel Maxwell and others1843
79Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on an Order relative to reduction of tolls on lumber passing through Moosehead Lake Dam1843
80Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Petition of John B. Dodge and others that they may be authorized to build a dam across Benjamin's River in Sedgwick1843
81Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act to incorporate the Dead River Dam Company1843
82Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Petition of Charles W. Fellowes and others for an Act to provide for the erection of a dam across Ayer's Falls in the Penobscot River1843
83Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Petition of John G. Neil and others that they may be incorporated into a Company to construct locks and canals around Ticonic Falls1843
84Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the Kennebec Locks and Canals Company and sundry remonstrances1843
85Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Petition of Simeon Bearce and others for a law to remove obstructions of fish in the Penobscot River1843
86Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Petition of Charles S. Norris and others that they may be incorporated into a Company by the name of the East Monmouth Meadow Dam Company1843
87Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Petition of Adam Weed and others in relation to Proprietors of dams stopping the natural course of the sources of streams1843
88Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act to authorize the removing of obstructions in the Pleasant River1843
89Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Petition of Meshuck Pike for a law regulating the use of water in reservoir dams held in common and undivided1843
90Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act to authorize the removing of obstructions in the Pleasant River1843
91Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act to authorize the removing of obstructions in the Pleasant River1843
92Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act to authorize the removing of obstructions in the Pleasant River1843
93Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on an Act concerning fishways1843
94Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Order relative to obliging the Kennebec Lock and Canal Company to maintain a fishway over and through the Kennebec Dam1844
95Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Order relative to altering or amending Chapter 126 of the Maine Revised Statutes regarding Mills, Dams and Flowage1844
96Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Falls Sluiceway in Calais1844
97Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on an Act to repeal Chapter 126 of the Maine Revised Statutes1844
98Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act authorizing Samuel Thatcher, Jr. of Brewer to build a bridge and dam across Brewer's Cove in the Town of Brewer1844
99Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Petition of Samuel Bonzey and others for an Act to incorporate the Branch Pond Sluice Company and remonstrance of Joshua R. Jordan and others1845
100Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Petition of Smith Gilman and others that mill owners on Cold Stream in Enfield be compelled to make sufficient pass way for logs and other lumber through their dams and remonstrances of Joseph Treat and others1845

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