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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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51FreemanSee Phillips 1823 PS 21-17
52FreemanAn Act in addition to an Act for the relief of school districts in, and Phillips1825
53FreemanSee Patterson, William and others 1827 GY 46-13
54FreemanReport of the petition of the Selectmen to be refunded for the support of a pauper1828
55FreemanAn Act to annex a part of the Town of, to New Portland, and the remonstrance of William Brackley and 91 others1833
56FreemanSee New County 1834 GY 88-25
57FreemanReport on the Petition of John Marsh and others that they may receive a grant of land, also the petition of the Selectmen of Freeman for alteration of the law regulating the School Fund1843
58FreemanReport on the Petition of Elijah Howland and others for the division of the towns of Phillips, Avon and Freeman and that a part of the same may be set off into a new town and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Phillips and Avon1846
59FreemanReport on the Petition of Israel R. Bray and others that they may be set off from Freeman and annexed to New Portland1847
60FreemanReport on the Petition of Elijah Howland and others of Phillips, Avon and Freeman, for a new town1847
61FreemanAn Act to dissolve the bonds of matrimony between Olive H. Whitney and Constant H. Whitney1849
62Freeman Petition SignersResolves for dividing the State into districts for the choice of Senators and for apportioning the Representatives among the several Counties, Cities, Towns, Plantations and Classes at the third apportionment and the remonstrance of Lorenzo S. Bumpus and1841
63Freeman School DistrictAn Act for the relief of school districts in the towns of Freeman and Phillips1823
64Freeman School FundAn Act to incorporate the Trustees of the1822
65Freeman's BankAn Act to incorporate the1833
66Freeman, Albert Wallace from Albert Wallace WhitmoreAn Act to change the names of certain persons1849
67Freeman, Benjamin and othersReport on the Petition that the Town of Mount Desert may be divided, and the remonstrance of John Brown and others1832
68Freeman, Charles and othersSee Clerical Library Society of Cumberland, Oxford and York 1834 PS 104-85
69Freeman, E. and othersReport on the petition of of the Proptietors of the Union Meeting House in East Monmouth to make valid the doings of their meeting1863
70Freeman, George M. and othersReport on the Petition of George M. Freeman and others for distribution of all Acts which may be passed at this session of the Legislature and all future Legislatures1843
71Freeman, JacobName changed from Jacob Toothaker1835
72Freeman, Nathan and othersReport on the Petition of Nathan Freeman and others that certain lands in Fryeburg may be annexed to Sweden1844
73Freeman, Oliver and othersPetitions and remonstrances in relation to the passed law in relation to a January Term of the Supreme Judicial Court in York County1862
74Freeman, Pelatiah and othersReport on the Petition of Pelatiah Freeman and others that certain real estate may be exempt from attachment and sale on execution1848
75Freeman, ReubenRemonstrance against petition of John Jones and others for a division of Mount Desert1823

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