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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Petition that they may be set off from Leeds and annexed to Greene and remonstrance of John Francis and others1836
2Report on the Petition relative to an Act to set off a tract of land from Lewiston to Greene and remonstrance of a Committee in behalf of the town of Lewiston1836
3Report on the Petition of William W. Cozzens, Moses Greene, George Moulton and Ebenezer K. Davis in relation to expenses for1840
4Acts and Resolves, Printing ofResolve authorizing Nathaniel Greene, Asa Clapp, and Samuel Reddington, to contract for the, of the last and present Session1821
5Boundary Lines, TownAn Act to establish the Town line between the Towns of Greene and Wales1843
6Boundary Lines, TownReport on the Petition of John Lombard and others for the alteration of the town lines of Greene, Wales and Webster and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Greene and others1848
7EmbdenReport on the Petition of John Pierce and others for a division of the Town of Embden and the remonstrance of Joseph N. Greene and others1841
8Emery, Daniel C.Resolve in favor of Abner B. Thompson and the heirs of Roscoe G. Greene, deceased1848
9GreeneResolve confirming the doings of the Town of1822
10GreeneAn Act establishing a ministerial and school fund in1823
11GreeneAn Act additional to the Act establishing a ministerial and school fund in1824
12GreeneSee Lisbon 1826 PS 40-22
13GreeneSee Sylvester, Elisha 1829 GY 55-24
14GreeneAn Act to establish the Town line between the Towns of Greene and Wales1843
15GreeneResolve in favor of William A. Herrick1847
16GreeneResolve in favor of William A. Herrick1849
17GreeneAn Act to set off a part of Greene, in the County of Kennebec and annex it to Lewiston, in the County of Lincoln and to set off a part of the Town of Webster and annex it to Lewiston (No Petition)1852
18GreeneReport on the Petition of Matthias Hanscom and others that they may be set off from Leeds to Monmouth and Greene1852
19GreeneAn Act to make valid the doings of the Town of Greene1852
20GreeneAn Act to incorporate the Sabattis Mining Company1853
21GreeneResolve authorizing the Administrator of the estate of the late George T. Howe and the Guardian of his minor children to convey certain real estate1854
22GreeneResolve authorizing the Administrator of the estate of the late George T. Howe and the Guardian of his minor children to convey certain real estate1854
23Greene Petition SignersSundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, 1846 (alphabetical by town)1847
24Greene Petition SignersPetitions for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops1850
25Greene Petition SignersAn Act to prevent the destruction of pickerel in Sabattis Pond1850

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