Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Gun and Powder HousesSee Fryeburg Gun House 1821 RS 2-17
2Gun and Powder HousesSee Gunhouse 1823 RS 8-40
3Gun and Powder HousesSee Gibson, Abel 1827 RS 20-23
4Gun and Powder HousesSee Militia 1827 GY 49-34
5Gun and Powder HousesSee Farmington Gun House 1829 RS 25-15
6Gun and Powder HousesSee Marston, Shubael 1829 GY 55-6
7Gun and Powder HousesSee Chandler, Anson G. 1830 GY 61-26
8Gun and Powder HousesReport on a Resolve making appropriations for military purposes1845
9Gun and Powder HousesReport on a Resolve making a Gun House in Livermore in the County of Oxford1846
10Gun and Powder HousesResolve making appropriations for military purposes1846
11Gun and Powder HousesResolve providing for the sale of the Portland Artillery Gun House1849
12Gun and Powder HousesResolve providing for the sale of the site of the Bangor Artillery Gun House1849
13Gun and Powder HousesResolve in favor of G. W. Hurd1849
14Gun and Powder HousesResolve making appropriation for the repair and painting of the Portland State Arsenal1849
15Gun and Powder HousesResolve providing for the repair and painting of the State Arsenal, at Bangor1849
16Gun and Powder HousesResolve in favor of Nathaniel H. Holly1849
17Gun and Powder HousesReport authorizing the sale of gun houses and collections of guns1849
18Gun and Powder HousesResolve respecting the artillery gun house in Calais1850
19Gun and Powder HousesReport on the Petition of B. F. Holbrook and others of Wiscasset that military property in that Town may be removed1850
20Gun and Powder HousesResolve providing for the sale of gun houses in the State of Maine1850
21Gun and Powder HousesResolve in favor of the Brewer Artillery1852
22Gun and Powder HousesReport on the Petition of Isaiah Leavitt and others for an appropriation to build a gun house in Turner1852
23Gun and Powder HousesReport on a Resolve to build a Gun House in Phillips1852
24Gun and Powder HousesResolve for the repair of the State Arsenal at Bangor1852
25Gun and Powder HousesReport on the Petition of Samuel A. Burr and others that an appropriation be made for repairing the Gun House in Brewer1852

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