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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 276 to 285 of 285

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276Wadsworth, Isaac N. and othersReport on the petition of A.S. Washburn & others that the property … of the Maine Granite Co. be set off from Manchester & annexed to Hallowell1862
277Washburn, A. S. and othersReport on the petition of A.S. Washburn & others that the property … of the Maine Granite Co. be set off from Manchester & annexed to Hallowell1862
278White, Rufus and othersAn Act to annex part of the Town of Hallowell to the Town of Pittston1844
279WhitefieldA bill that an allowance be made to the Town of Whitefield for State Aid for Charles Place and be reimbursed for money paid the City of Hallowell1864
280Whittier, S. C. and othersAn Act to divide the Town of Hallowell and incorporate the Town of Chelsea and remonstrance of Jesse Aiken and others1850
281Whittier, SimeonReport on the Petition of Simeon C. Whittier and Hiram Fuller that certain land and building owned by them be set off from Farmingdale and annexed to the City of Hallowell1855
282Wingate, Paine and othersReport on the Petition of Paine Wingate and others that certain lands in Hallowell and Augusta may be annexed to Winthrop1844
283WinthropPetition of Selectmen to be annexed to Hallowell1820
284WinthropReport on the Petition of Paine Wingate and others that certain lands in Hallowell and Augusta may be annexed to Winthrop1844
285Wood, Enoch and othersReport on the Petition that an Act may be passed establishing a Municipal Court in Hallowell1835

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