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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Petition that their land in Hampden may be annexed to Bangor and remonstrance of Simeon Stetson and others1836
2Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of Hampden Academy1850
3Academies, Schools and CollegesA bill granting aid to Hampden Academy1864
4Butterfield, William and othersReport on the Petition that the State assist them in making a road across Hampden Academy Grant1835
5Carlton, John, 2ndPetition of, for an increase in pension for wounds received in a skirmish with the British, 1814 at Hampden1821
6CrystalResolve in favor of Jedediah Fairfield of Hampden1843
7Dudley, Elias and othersResolve in favor of Hampden Academy1850
8Fairfield, JedediahResolve in favor of Jedediah Fairfield of Hampden1843
9HampdenAn Act to set off part of Thomas Patten's land from Newburg to1823
10HampdenSee Quin, Ephraim and Others 1831 GY 70-28
11HampdenSee Hermon 1831 PS 69-12
12HampdenAn Act to annex a part of Newburgh to1832
13HampdenReport on the Petition that Jonathan Pickard may be set off from the Town of Newburgh and annexed to the Town of, and the remonstrance of George S. Stevens and others1832
14HampdenSee Hampton 1833 PS 92-19
15HampdenReport on the Petition that Jonathan Pickard and others may be set off from the Town of Newburgh and annexed to, and the remonstrance of Inhabitants of Newburgh1833
16HampdenSee Pickard, Jonathan and others 1834 GY 86-45
17HampdenResolve legalizing and making valid the doings and acts of the Town Clerk and other officers of the Town of Hampden1841
18HampdenResolve in favor of Benjamin Johnson and others1841
19HampdenReport on an Act extending the time for advertising and collecting the taxes on Real Estate belonging to resident Proprietors in the Town of Hampden1841
20HampdenResolve in favor of Jedediah Fairfield of Hampden1843
21HampdenResolve in favor of Joseph Pomroy1844
22HampdenReport on the Petition of Joseph Bartlett and others that the annual School Fund may be applied to the education of common school teachers1847
23HampdenReport on an Act to set off certain lands from Hampden to Newburgh and remonstrance of Ezekiel Hopkins and others1850
24Hampden AcademyResolve in favor of Hampden Academy1850
25Hampden AcademyA bill granting aid to Hampden Academy1864

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