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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Hampden Petition SignersReport on the Petition of William Boyd and others to be incorporated by the name of the Seboomook Sluiceway Company and the remonstrance of Daniel Davis and others1842
2Hampden Petition SignersPetitions for repeal of the license laws1843
3Hampden Petition SignersRemonstrances against repeal of the license law1843
4Hampden Petition SignersReport on an Act for the protection of the colored citizens of Maine1843
5Hampden Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Henry Brown and others for alteration of the License Laws1844
6Hampden Petition SignersAn Act to organize and discipline the Militia1844
7Hampden Petition SignersAn Act to establish the Atlantic and Saint Lawrence Railroad Company1845
8Hampden Petition SignersPetitions to supress the sale of Intoxicationg Liquors (with female petition signers also)1845
9Hampden Petition SignersSundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, 1846 (alphabetical by town)1847
10Hampden Petition SignersReport on the Petition of B. F. Mudgett and others for the promotion of education1848
11Hampden Petition SignersAn Act regulating the hours of labor1848
12Hampden Petition SignersResolve in favor of East Maine Conference1852
13Hampden Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Joshua Hill and others that the law for taking the valuation may be amended1853
14Hampden Petition SignersReport on a bill so that the system of jurisprudence be changed to make it quicker and less expensive1861
15Hampden Petition SignersReport on a bill additional to Chapter 33 of the Laws of 1858 regarding drinking houses and tippling shops1863
16Hampden Petition SignersA bill regulating the measurement and sale of milk1864
17West Hampden Petition SignersPetitions on the passed law for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops1864

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