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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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76Kennebec County Agricultural SocietyReport on an Act granting lands to Agricultural Societies1845
77Kennebec County Agricultural SocietyReturns of Agricultural Societies1845
78Kennebec County Agricultural SocietyReport on the Petition of the Kennebec County Agricultural Society for an Act by which monies appropriated to Kennebec County for agricultural purposes shall not be paid out to individuals not belonging to the County (No Petition)1849
79Kennebec County AttorneyReport on the Petition of the County Attorney of Kennebec County for reimbursement of money paid for use of the State relative to Coolidge trial for murder1848
80Kennebec County AttorneyAn Act to increase the salary of the County Attorney of Kennebec County1850
81Kennebec County BarReport on a change in the judicial system of the State1862
82Kennebec County CommissionersAn Act authorizing the Kennebec County Commissioners to lay out a road over tide waters in the Town of Gardiner1846
83Kennebec County CommissionersResolve authorizing the County of Kennebec to procure a loan1851
84Kennebec County CommissionersReport on an Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Kennebec County to lay out a road over tide waters1853
85Kennebec County CommissionersSee County Commissioners, Kennebec County
86Kennebec County Commissioners CourtAn Act to change the time of holding the County Commissioners Court for Kennebec County1865
87Kennebec County Court ClerkOrder that the Clerk of Courts in Sagadahoc, Kennebec, Somerset and Lincoln Counties furnish the Legislature the amount of money paid Fish Wardens1863
88Kennebec County Fish WardensReport on a bill to repeal Chapters 109 and 184 of the Public Laws of 1859 regarding Fish Wardens in the Counties of Kennebec, Sagadahoc & Somerset…1862
89Kennebec County GaolSee Hayden, Charles and others 1827 GY 50-41
90Kennebec County MillAn Act to incorporate the Cushnoc Manufacturing Company1853
91Kennebec County Petition SignersAn Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the Kennebec Locks and Canals Company and sundry remonstrances1843
92Kennebec County Petition SignersReport on the Petition of John Stevens and others of Kennebec County for an additional Act respecting division fences1853
93Kennebec County ProbateSee Probate Register, Kennebec County 1833 RS 41-57
94Kennebec County Probate JudgeReport on a bill for an Act to increase the salary of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Kennebec1865
95Kennebec County Probate Judge SalarySee Fuller, Henry W. 1829 GY 55-25
96Kennebec County Register of ProbateReport on a bill for an Act to increase the salary of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Kennebec1865
97Kennebec County Surveyor General of LumberSee Ford, James and others 1835 GY 91-6
98Kennebec County TaxResolve laying a tax on the several counties in this State1849
99Kennebec County TaxResolve laying a tax on the several Counties of the State herein named for the year of our Lord, 18511850
100Kennebec County TaxResolve laying a State Tax on the several Counties of the State herein named, for the year of our Lord 18511851

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