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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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76Harding, E. K. and othersReport on the petition of E.K. Harding and others for an Act to improve the navigation of the Kennebec River near the Kennebec Dam1862
77Harding, E. K. and othersA bill for the improvement of navigation of the Kennebec River at the Augusta Dam1864
78Harvard, Ambrose and othersReport on the Petition that the laws relating to taking of fish in the Kennebec River may be repealed1832
79Hatch, Elijah and othersAn Act to amend An Act entitled An Act in addition to an Act to regulate the fisheries on the Kennebec River, approved April 4, 18591861
80Hathorn, Gould and othersReport on the Petition of Gould Hathorn and others to establish a ferry on the Kennebec River from Bath to Woolwich and remonstrance of William M. Rogers and others1853
81Hayden, Charles and othersReport on the petition for an Act regulating the taking of fish in the Kennebec River1827
82Hogan, William and othersReport on the Petition of William Hogan and others that an Act may be passed regulating the pilotage and establishing the rates of pilotage on the Kennebec River1842
83Hunniwell's PointAn Act authorizing the United States to hold certain territory at the mouth of the Kennebec River1862
84Insane HospitalAn Act to authorize the Trustees of the Insane Hospital to build a wharf in the Kennebec River1862
85Jackson, Thomas and othersReport on the petitions of, for leave to build a bridge over the Kennebec River at Gardiner and the remonstrances of Stephen Pilsbury and others1826
86Kendall's MillsAn Act authorizing the erection of a bridge across the Kennebec River at Kendall's Mills in Fairfield1847
87Kendalls MillsReport on a Bill to improve Kennebec River Navigation between Kendalls Mills and Skowhegan1848
88Kennebec DamReport on the petition of E.K. Harding and others for an Act to improve the navigation of the Kennebec River near the Kennebec Dam1862
89Kennebec RiverSee Cook, Daniel 1821 GY 5-32
90Kennebec RiverSee Dunlap, Archa and others 1826 GY 38-4
91Kennebec RiverSee Redington, Asa and others 1826 GY 38-10
92Kennebec RiverSee Lotteries 1826 GY 41-1
93Kennebec RiverSee Timber 1827 PL 46-43
94Kennebec RiverAn Act to prevent obstructions to the navigation in1834
95Kennebec RiverPetition of Charles J. Wingate relative to navigation on the Kennebec River1842
96Kennebec RiverReport on the Petition of Joseph Northey and others for an Act of incorporation to establish a Ferry between Gardiner and Pittston and remonstrance of William Cooper and others1843
97Kennebec RiverReport on the Petition that James N. Cooper and others may be incorporated into a Company for the purpose of rafting logs on the Kennebec River1844
98Kennebec RiverReport on the Petition of Paul Brown and others that all that part of the Town of Winslow which lies between Sebasticook and Kennebec Rivers may be annexed to the Town of Waterville and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Winslow1848
99Kennebec RiverReport on an Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Vassalboro Boom Company and remonstrance of Andrew S. Tibbetts and others1848
100Kennebec RiverReport on the Petition of Henry Reed and others for a boom from Brown's Island to Bowman's Point in the Kennebec River1852

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