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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Kennebec River FisheriesSee Hayden, Charles and others 1827 GY 46-11
2Kennebec River FisheriesAn Act regulating1828
3Kennebec River FisheriesSee Salmon Fishery 1828 GY 54-61
4Kennebec River FisheriesAn Act to repeal the law relating to the Salmon, Shad and Alewive fishery in the Kennebec River1830
5Kennebec River FisheriesAn additional Act to the several Acts relating to the taking of Salmon, Shad and Alewives in the1831
6Kennebec River FisheriesAn additional Act regulating the, near the Seven Mile Brook in the Town of Vassalborough1831
7Kennebec River FisheriesSee Abbot, J. R. and others 1832 GY 73-15
8Kennebec River FisheriesSee Harvard, Ambrose and others 1832 GY 73-12
9Kennebec River FisheriesReport on the Order relative to making further provision by law in regard to weirs and hedges on certain days and months1832
10Kennebec River FisheriesAn Act to regulate the salmon, shad and alewive fisheries in the Kennebec River1850
11Kennebec River FisheriesAn Act to suspend the Act to regulate the salmon, shad and alewive fisheries in the Kennebec River until March 18521851
12Kennebec River FisheriesAn Act to repeal an Act entitled an Act to regulate the salmon, shad and alewive fisheries in the Kennebec River or its branches1852
13Kennebec River FisheriesAn Act to amend An Act entitled An Act in addition to an Act to regulate the fisheries on the Kennebec River, approved April 4, 18591861
14Kennebec River FisheriesOrder regarding amending all laws regarding fisheries on the Kennebec River1862
15Kennebec River FisheriesAn Act relating to the fisheries in the Kennebec River1863

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