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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Land DeedsResolve additional to a Resolve passed February 23, 1861 in favor of Samuel Webber1861
2Land DeedsResolve in aid of building a saw mill and bridge in Township 14 Range 4 in the County of Aroostook1862
3Land DeedsResolve in aid of building mills in Township 6 Range 4 in the County of Aroostook1862
4Land DeedsResolve in aid of building mills at Island Falls in Township 4 Range 4 in the County of Aroostook1862
5Land DeedsResolve in aid of building mills in Township 3 Range 4 WBKP in the County of Franklin1862
6Land DeedsResolve in favor of Shirley Rollins for a lot of land in Township 12 Range 41862
7Land DeedsReport on the petition of Russell Murdock and others that a sale of land in Garland because of unpaid taxes may be made valid1862
8Land DeedsResolve in aid of building a saw mill in the Town of Maysville1862
9Land DeedsResolve to amend a Resolve approved March 9, 1860 in favor of Isaac Wilder1862
10Land DeedsResolve in favor of Isaac Wortman for a lot of land in Township C Range 11862
11Land DeedsResolve in favor of Levi Sewall, father and heir at law of George M. Sewall1862
12Land DeedsResolve in favor of Martha Phipps for a lot in Plymouth Grant1862
13Land DeedsResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey a tract of land in Township 3 Range 5 WELS to Spaulding Robinson1863
14Land DeedsResolve authorizing the conveyance of the State's interest in certain lots of land sold to William Cummings1863
15Land DeedsResolve in favor of Nathan S. Lufkin for a deed to a lot of land in Eaton Grant1863
16Land DeedsResolve in favor of the heirs at law of Catherine T. Tuthill for a deed for land in Township 1 Range 6, Franklin County1863
17Land DeedsResolve in favor of James R. Bachelder for land paid for in Township 20 Range 11 and Township 20 Range 12 WELS1863
18Land DeedsResolve in favor of David Weston for a deed to land in Plymouth Township, Aroostook County1863
19Land DeedsResolve in favor of Ebenezer Jackman for a lot of land in Township 5 Range 6 WELS1863
20Land DeedsResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey a lot of land to Adaline Chandle1864
21Land DeedsResolve to authorize the Land Agent to deed to Hazen Keech a certain lot of land1864
22Land DeedsResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey a lot of land to George L. Emerson1864
23Land DeedsResolve for the benefit of Charles A. Clark1864
24Land DeedsResolve in favor of Himenas Philbrick1864
25Land DeedsResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey a lot of land to D.F. Adams1864

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