Search Results
Results 51 to 62 of 62
Subject | Description | Year | |
51 | Land Grants | Resolve in favor of Mary A. Hardison, widow of Hiram P. Hardison, for a deed to land in Township C Range 01 WELS | 1863 |
52 | Land Grants | Resolve in favor of Betsy Marston for a lot of land in Township C Range 1 WELS | 1863 |
53 | Land Grants | Report on the petition of John Esty and others that a lot of land be given to Thomas Linton, by the Treaty of 1835 | 1863 |
54 | Land Grants | Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey certain lots of land to the widows of deceased soldiers | 1864 |
55 | Land Grants | A bill on a request for State Aid | 1864 |
56 | Land Grants | A bill for a grant of land in aid of Bangor Theological Seminary Library | 1864 |
57 | Land Grants | A bill that a lot of land may be conveyed to the widow Mary J. Quimby | 1864 |
58 | Land Grants | Resolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey a lot of land to Francis Bolier | 1865 |
59 | Land Grants | Resolve in favor of Joseph Corriveau | 1865 |
60 | Land Grants | Resolve for the relief of Nathan Weston | 1865 |
61 | Land Grants | Report on a bill to convey to Nelson Herrin a certain lot of land in Township E, Range 1 WELS | 1865 |
62 | Land Grants | See Revolutionary War Veterans |
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