Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Petition that they may be set off from Leeds and annexed to Greene and remonstrance of John Francis and others1836
2Report on the Petition that an Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Bucksport and Prospect Ferry Company may be repealed and remonstrance of John Lee1837
3Resolve in favor of, of Leeds1840
4Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on an Act to incorporate the Trustees of the Lee Academy1843
5Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to incorporate the Lee Normal Academy1845
6Academies, Schools and CollegesResolve in favor of Lee Normal Academy1845
7Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Order in relation to presenting the Lee Normal Institute with specimens from the cabinet1849
8Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to make valid the doings of School District Number 11 in the Town of Leeds1852
9Academies, Schools and CollegesA bill for a Resolve in favor of Lee Normal Academy1864
10Bank HolidaysReport on the Petition of Joseph A. Lee and others praying for alteration in the 44th Chapter of the Revised Statutes1852
11Baskahegan RiverResolve authorizing a road to be made from Number 4 North of the Bingham Purchase (Lee) to the1824
12Bean, G. S. and othersAn Act to make valid the doings of the Inhabitants of the Town of Lee1861
13Berry, Richard and othersAn Act to make valid the doings of School District Number 11 in the Town of Leeds1852
14Boardman, Leander and othersReport on the Petition of Leander Boardman and others of Farmington for a charter for a railroad from Leeds to Farmington Village (No Petition)1849
15Boundary Lines, TownReport on the Petition of the Town Agent of Leeds for an Act to establish the line between the Towns of Leeds and Monmouth1852
16Boundary Lines, TownReport on an Act to establish the boundary line between the Towns of Monmouth and Leeds1852
17Boynton, MosesReport on the Petition of Moses Boynton that certain land may be set off from Leeds and annexed to Monmouth1841
18Burying GroundsReport on the Petition of Uriah Foss and others, Inhabitants of Leeds, that they may be incorporated with power to purchase a burying ground1853
19Business HolidaysReport on the Petition of Joseph A. Lee and others praying for alteration in the 44th Chapter of the Revised Statutes1852
20CemeteriesReport on the Petition of Uriah Foss and others, Inhabitants of Leeds, that they may be incorporated with power to purchase a burying ground1853
21Chase, Sarson, Jr., and othersReport on the Petition to incorporate the Maine Turner Bridge Company for the purpose of building a bridge over the Androscoggin River between Turner and Leeds and remonstrance of the Proprietors of Turner Center Bridge1835
22Cordis, SamuelName changed from Samuel Cordis Lee1829
23Elliot, JonathanResolve on the Memorial of, and the communication of H. C. Carey and J. Lee1827
24FarmingtonReport on the Petition of Leander Boardman and others of Farmington for a charter for a railroad from Leeds to Farmington Village (No Petition)1849
25Foss, UriahReport on the Petition of the Town Agent of Leeds for an Act to establish the line between the Towns of Leeds and Monmouth1852

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