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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Letters of Acceptance for1836
2Letters of Acceptance1838
3Letters of Acceptance1839
4Letters of Acceptance for Executive Councilors and Secretary of State1855
5Adjutant GeneralLetters of acceptance of various state officials1861
6Adjutant GeneralReport on the Letters of Acceptance1862
7Adjutant GeneralCommunication of letters of acceptance and refusal of various officers1863
8Adjutant GeneralReport on the communication of the Letters of Acceptance for various offices1864
9Adjutant GeneralCommunication of letters of acceptance of election of certain officers1865
10Attorney GeneralReport on the Letters of Acceptance1862
11Attorney GeneralCommunication of letters of acceptance and refusal of various officers1863
12Attorney GeneralCommunication of letters of acceptance of election of certain officers1865
13Bell, JamesCommunication of letters of acceptance and refusal of various officers1863
14Chapman, HiramCommunication of letters of acceptance and refusal of various officers1863
15Chapman, HiramReport on the communication of the Letters of Acceptance for various offices1864
16Clark, Isaac R.Communication of letters of acceptance of election of certain officers1865
17Dane, NathanLetters of acceptance of various state officials1861
18Dane, NathanReport on the Letters of Acceptance1862
19Dane, NathanReport on the communication of the Letters of Acceptance for various offices1864
20Dennis, Joseph M.Letters of acceptance of various state officials1861
21Drummond, JosiahReport on the Letters of Acceptance1862
22Drummond, JosiahCommunication of letters of acceptance and refusal of various officers1863
23Executive CouncilLetters of acceptance of various state officials1861
24Executive CouncilReport on the Letters of Acceptance1862
25Executive CouncilCommunication of letters of acceptance and refusal of various officers1863

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