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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Baker, DavidReport on the Petition of David Baker that he may be discharged from his liability to pay a certain note given to the State1843
2Carriers, CommonReport on an Order in relation to liability of common carriers1852
3Corporations, RailroadAn Act concerning the liability of railroad corporations and other passenger carriers for loss of life in certain cases1855
4EllsworthReport on the Petition of Stephen Gross that he may be relieved from his liability to the State on a note given by him for land in Ellsworth1842
5Gross, StephenReport on the Petition of Stephen Gross that he may be relieved from his liability to the State on a note given by him for land in Ellsworth1842
6Land TitleAn Act defining the liability of the State for failure of title to lands sold for taxes1852
7Lands Sold for TaxesAn Act defining the liability of the State for failure of title to lands sold for taxes1852
8LiabilityReport on an Order relative to making owners of unincorporated townships liable for damages and injuries sustained through defects in roads in such townships1848
9LiabilityReport on an Order in relation to liability of common carriers1852
10Liability of Mill OwnersAn Act to amend Chapter 145 of the Private and Special Laws of the year 18531855
11Mill Owners, Liability ofAn Act to amend Chapter 145 of the Private and Special Laws of the year 18531855
12Passenger CarriersAn Act concerning the liability of railroad corporations and other passenger carriers for loss of life in certain cases1855
13Promissory Note CancelledReport on the Petition of Stephen Gross that he may be relieved from his liability to the State on a note given by him for land in Ellsworth1842
14Promissory Notes, CanceledReport on the Petition of David Baker that he may be discharged from his liability to pay a certain note given to the State1843
15Railroad CorporationsAn Act concerning the liability of railroad corporations and other passenger carriers for loss of life in certain cases1855
16Referees, Liability ofReport on an Act in relation to the liability of referees1861
17SolonReport on the Petition of David Baker that he may be discharged from his liability to pay a certain note given to the State1843
18Stockholder liabilityAn Act in relation to manufacturing corporations1841
19Taxes, Lands Sold forAn Act defining the liability of the State for failure of title to lands sold for taxes1852
20Town LiabilityReport on a bill for an Act regulating the liability of towns for damages caused by defective ways1865
21Transportation: RailroadsAn Act concerning the liability of railroad corporations and other passenger carriers for loss of life in certain cases1855
22Transportation: Roads, Highways and TurnpikesReport on a bill for an Act regulating the liability of towns for damages caused by defective ways1865

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