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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1East Livermore Petition SignersAn Act to prevent disturbances of religious worship1848
2East Livermore Petition SignersAn Act to establish the County of Androscoggin and remonstrance of the Inhabitants of Wales1854
3Livermore Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Samuel Adams and others to a repeal of the License Law1842
4Livermore Petition SignersAn Act to amend the 75th Chapter of the Revised Statutes and the remonstrance of William H. Morse and others1842
5Livermore Petition SignersSundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, 1846 (alphabetical by town)1847
6Livermore Petition SignersResolve in favor of the road leading through Dunn's Notch1847
7Livermore Petition SignersAn Act for the suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops1851
8Livermore Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Daniel Winslow and others in relation to Inspectors of Beef and Pork1851
9Livermore Petition SignersAn Act to establish the County of Androscoggin and remonstrance of the Inhabitants of Wales1854
10Livermore Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Jonathan Pulcifer and others for a railroad from Canton Point to the Canada Line and remonstrance of Daniel Robbins and others1854

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