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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Order directing the Governor to procure the loan of documents relative to the Fourth Article of the1837
2Report on the Petition that the Militia of Old Town have loan of three hundred stand of Arms1838
3Resolve authorizing a temporary loan in behalf of the State of Maine1839
4Resolve authorizing a loan in behalf of the State1839
5Resolve authorizing a loan in behalf of the State1839
6Report on the Petition for a loan of arms for the use of said Company1839
7Resolve authorizing the payment of interest on the temporary loan approved February 15, 18391840
8Report on the Petition of James S. Hall and others for a loan of arms to the Company of Cavalry in the 4th Division of the Militia of this State1841
9Report on the Petition of Elbridge Harris in behalf of the Bangor and Piscataquis Canal and Railroad Company that the City of Bangor be allowed to loan its credit to aid said Company1855
10See [State Loans]
11Academies, Schools and CollegesAn Act to authorize Farmington Academy to obtain a loan of money for the completion of a building for a Normal School & give security in a mortgage ..1865
12Androscoggin Railroad CompanyReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of East Livermore that the Town may loan its credit, not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars, to the Directors of the Androscoggin Railroad Company to complete said road to Livermore Falls and remonstrance of John Wy1852
13Androscoggin Railroad CompanyReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Jay that said Town may be allowed to loan its credit to the Androscoggin Railroad Company1852
14Bangor Petition SignersReport on a Resolve and Petitions relative to authorizing the City of Bangor to loan its credit in aid of the Penobscot and Kennebec Railroad1852
15BanksAn Act regarding returns from, and enforcing right to loans1821
16BanksReport on the Order relative to, forfeiting their charters by making usurious loans1834
17BanksSee State Loan 1834 RS 46-72
18BanksAn Act to authorize the Biddeford Bank to receive money on deposit and loan the same as a savings institution1849
19BanksAn Act to authorize the South Berwick Bank to receive money on deposit, and loan the same as a Savings Institution (No Petition)1850
20BanksAn Act to incorporate the Portland Mutual Loan and Savings Association1854
21BanksReport on a petition of Lyndon Oak and others for reimbursement of a loan to the late State Treasurer Peck1863
22Banks and BankingReport on the Order relative to Banks discounting paper payable at any place other than those in which the Banks are located, concerning loans1835
23Biddeford BankAn Act to authorize the Biddeford Bank to receive money on deposit and loan the same as a savings institution1849
24Bonds of the United StatesAn Act to authorize a loan of money to the United States for the public defense, to be reimbursed in bonds of the United States1862
25Buckfield Branch Railroad CompanyReport on the Petition of John H. Skillin and others for authority of the Town of Buckfield to loan credit to the Buckfield Branch Railroad Company1852

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