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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1BremenResolve in favor of the Towns of Bremen and Smyrna and Macwahoc Plantation for state aid furnished families of volunteers1863
2Brown, Benjamin and anotherReport on the petition for indeminity because of deficiency of land purchased of the State in T 1 R 4 WELS, Penobscot County (Macwahoc)1829
3Chadbourn, H. and othersResolve for the repair of the bridge over the Molunkus Stream in Macwahoc Plantation1864
4Civil WarResolve in favor of the Towns of Bremen and Smyrna and Macwahoc Plantation for state aid furnished families of volunteers1863
5MacwahocSee Brown, Benjamin and another 1829 GY 59-35
6MacwahocReport on the Petition of Joshua Carpenter and others for a division of the County of Penobscot and remonstrance of Stephen Danforth and others1847
7Macwahoc PlantationAn Act additional to an Act in relation to lands reserved for public uses1853
8Macwahoc PlantationResolve in favor of the Towns of Bremen and Smyrna and Macwahoc Plantation for state aid furnished families of volunteers1863
9Macwahoc PlantationResolve for the repair of the bridge over the Molunkus Stream in Macwahoc Plantation1864
10Molunkus StreamResolve for the repair of the bridge over the Molunkus Stream in Macwahoc Plantation1864
11Public AssistanceResolve in favor of the Towns of Bremen and Smyrna and Macwahoc Plantation for state aid furnished families of volunteers1863
12SmyrnaResolve in favor of the Towns of Bremen and Smyrna and Macwahoc Plantation for state aid furnished families of volunteers1863
13Soldiers, Families ofResolve in favor of the Towns of Bremen and Smyrna and Macwahoc Plantation for state aid furnished families of volunteers1863
14State AidResolve in favor of the Towns of Bremen and Smyrna and Macwahoc Plantation for state aid furnished families of volunteers1863
15Transportation: BridgesResolve for the repair of the bridge over the Molunkus Stream in Macwahoc Plantation1864
16Volunteers, Families ofResolve in favor of the Towns of Bremen and Smyrna and Macwahoc Plantation for state aid furnished families of volunteers1863

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