Search Results
Results 26 to 50 of 83
Subject | Description | Year | |
26 | Maine Insane Hospital | Report of the Committee on the Maine Insane Hospital | 1845 |
27 | Maine Insane Hospital | Resolve in favor of Oakman Ford | 1845 |
28 | Maine Insane Hospital | Report on the Petition of George W. Norton and others that the Botanic or Thomsonian System of Medical practice might be adopted in the Insane Hospital | 1845 |
29 | Maine Insane Hospital | Report on the Petition of the Selectmen of Blanchard that provision be made for the support of Clarinda Chase at the Insane Hospital at the expense of the State | 1845 |
30 | Maine Insane Hospital | Report on the Petition of Nathaniel Gould that provision be made by law for the support of Rebecah Gould, his wife, an insane person in the Maine Insane Hospital, at the expense of the State | 1845 |
31 | Maine Insane Hospital | Resolve making appropriation for the Insane Hospital | 1846 |
32 | Maine Insane Hospital | Resolve making an appropriation for the Insane Hospital | 1846 |
33 | Maine Insane Hospital | An Act in addition to an Act modifying the Government of the Insane Hospital and for other purposes passed March 22, 1843 | 1846 |
34 | Maine Insane Hospital | An Act in relation to the removal of insane State paupers | 1846 |
35 | Maine Insane Hospital | Resolve in favor of the Town of Cherryfield | 1847 |
36 | Maine Insane Hospital | An Act to modify and revise all Acts for the Goverment of the Insane Hospital and for other purposes | 1847 |
37 | Maine Insane Hospital | Resolve making an appropriation for the Insane Hospital | 1847 |
38 | Maine Insane Hospital | Resolve in favor of Sabine P. Jordan | 1847 |
39 | Maine Insane Hospital | An Act additional to an Act to modify and revise all Acts for the government of the Insane Hospital and for other purposes approved August 2, 1847 | 1848 |
40 | Maine Insane Hospital | Report on a Resolve in favor of the Town of Wells | 1848 |
41 | Maine Insane Hospital | Resolve making an appropriation for the Insane Hospital | 1848 |
42 | Maine Insane Hospital | Report on the Petition of Isaac H. Hunt for damages for abuse in the Insane Hospital (No Petition) | 1848 |
43 | Maine Insane Hospital | Resolve making an appropriation for the Insane Hospital | 1849 |
44 | Maine Insane Hospital | Report on the Petition of Jefferson Pierce for additional compensation for labor performed and material furnished for the Insane Hospital in the year 1846 | 1849 |
45 | Maine Insane Hospital | Report on the Petition of the Inhabitants of Scarboro for repeal of an Act to revise and modify all Acts for the Government of the Insane Hospital | 1849 |
46 | Maine Insane Hospital | Report on a Resolve making appropriation for the Insane Hospital | 1849 |
47 | Maine Insane Hospital | An Act additional for the government of the Insane Hospital | 1849 |
48 | Maine Insane Hospital | Report on the Petition of the Selectmen of Oldtown that the expenses paid by the Town of Old Town for support of Anti Kelly at the Insane Hospital may be remunerated by the State to said Town | 1849 |
49 | Maine Insane Hospital | Report on the Petition of George Babb and others that all insane persons sent to the Insane Hospital may be supported at the expense of the State | 1849 |
50 | Maine Insane Hospital | Report on the Order in relation to the number of male inmates in the Insane Hospital beyond the means of the Superintendent | 1849 |
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