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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Chadbourn, H. and othersResolve for the repair of the bridge over the Molunkus Stream in Macwahoc Plantation1864
2Macwahoc PlantationResolve for the repair of the bridge over the Molunkus Stream in Macwahoc Plantation1864
3MolunkusReport on the Petition of Joseph S. Jewett that certain lands may be released from forfeiture to the State1842
4MolunkusReport on the Petition of Joshua Carpenter and others for a division of the County of Penobscot and remonstrance of Stephen Danforth and others1847
5MolunkusAn Act to incorporate the Penobscot Plank Road Company (No Petition)1850
6MolunkusResolve in favor of the Military Road1853
7Molunkus Petition SignersSundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, 1846 (alphabetical by town)1847
8Molunkus StreamResolve authorizing the Land Agent to convey a tract of land in Township 3 Range 5 WELS to Spaulding Robinson1863
9Molunkus StreamResolve for the repair of the bridge over the Molunkus Stream in Macwahoc Plantation1864
10Molunkus TaxesReport on the Petition of Frederick A. Cobb that certain land may be released from forfeiture to the State1842
11Transportation: BridgesResolve for the repair of the bridge over the Molunkus Stream in Macwahoc Plantation1864

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