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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1An Act to prevent obstructions in the navigation of1837
2An Act additional to prevent obstructions to1840
3An Act to prevent obstructions in the1840
4Report on the Petition for removal of obstructions in the Penobscot River1840
5Andrews, David P. and othersAn Act to construct fishways and remove obstructions in Ducktrap Stream and remonstrance of David P. Andrews and others1847
6Androscoggin RiverResolves relating to a survey of the, with a view to remove obstructions1835
7Androscoggin RiverReport on the Petition of William Gerrish for leave to remove obstructions in the Androscoggin River1847
8Androscoggin River TownsPetition of Inhabitants for the removal of obstructions from the Androscoggin River1821
9Appleton Petition SignersReport on the Petition of Charles Kendall and others to remove obstructions in George's River1847
10AugustaSee Kennebec River Obstructions 1833 GY 77-24
11Bearce, Simeon and othersReport on the Petition of Simeon Bearce and others for a law to remove obstructions of fish in the Penobscot River1843
12BelmontAn Act to construct fishways and remove obstructions in Ducktrap Stream and remonstrance of David P. Andrews and others1847
13Black, John and othersAn Act in addition to an Act entitled an Act additional to an Act to prevent obstructions in the navigation of Union River, approved March 23, 1843 and remonstrance of Roswell Silsby and others1853
14Blue HillReport on the Petition of Leonard Long and others that they may have leave to remove obstructions in McCard's Stream1849
15Branch Pond StreamReport on the Petition of Charles Maddox and others for an Act to remove obstructions in Branch Pond Stream1845
16Brown, Albert and othersReport on the Petition for an appropriation to remove obstructions in the Mattawamkeag Stream and repeal the law in relation to said obstructions1835
17Bucknam, Ichabod and othersAn Act to authorize the removing of obstructions in the Pleasant River1843
18Bucknam, Ichabod and othersAn Act to authorize the removing of obstructions in the Pleasant River1843
19Bucknam, Ichabod and othersAn Act to authorize the removing of obstructions in the Pleasant River1843
20Bucknam, Ichabod and othersAn Act to authorize the removing of obstructions in the Pleasant River1843
21Bucknam, Joseph W. and othersReport on the Petition of Joseph W. Bucknam and others that the obstructions in Pleasant River may be prevented in the future1852
22CamdenAn Act to prevent obstructions in Goose River Harbor1844
23CherryfieldAn Act to prevent obstructions on the Narraguagus River1854
24ColumbiaAn Act to authorize the removing of obstructions in the Pleasant River1843
25ColumbiaAn Act to authorize the removing of obstructions in the Pleasant River1843

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