Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 51 to 75 of 127

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51OronoReport on the Petition of Samuel Moor and others for a Charter to errect a toll bridge across the Stillwater River near its mouth in the Town of Orono1850
52OronoAn Act additional to an Act entitled an Act to establish the Bangor and Orono Railroad (No Petition)1850
53OronoReport on the Petition of Asa W. Babcock and others to make a canal by Stillwater Falls in Orono on Marsh Island side of Stillwater River1850
54OronoAn Act additional to an Act entitled an Act to establish the Bangor and Orono Railroad, approved August 21, 18501855
55OronoResolve in favor of the Town of Orono for books1861
56OronoAn Act to incorporate St. Johns Parish and for other purposes1861
57Orono AtheneumAn Act additional to an Act incorporating the Orono Educational Association, approved March 8, 18611861
58Orono BankAn Act to incorporate the Orono Bank1852
59Orono BankAn Act to revive the Charter of the Orono Bank1853
60Orono Boom CorporationAn Act to establish the1822
61Orono BridgeAn Act to incorporate the1832
62Orono BridgeReport on the Petition of John Libby and others relative to an Act authorizing the erection of a bridge across Stillwater Stream in Orono and remonstrance of Cyrus Moore1847
63Orono BridgeAn Act to extend the Charter of Stillwater Bridge1854
64Orono Bridge, Proprietors ofAn Act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Orono Bridge1854
65Orono CompanyAn Act to incorporate the1835
66Orono Educational AssociationAn Act additional to an Act incorporating the Orono Educational Association, approved March 8, 18611861
67Orono Educational AssociationAn Act to incorporate certain persons by the name of the Orono Educational Association1861
68Orono Gas Light CompanyAn Act to incorporate the Orono Gas Light Company1854
69Orono Manufacturing CompanyAn Act to incorporate the Orono Manufacturing Company1847
70Orono Manufacturing CompanyAn Act in addition to an Act to incorporate the Orono Manufacturing Company1853
71Orono Mechanics' AssociationAn Act to incorporate the Orono Mechanics' Association1843
72Orono PaupersPetition of Overseers of Poor for expenses to be paid to them for support of paupers1822
73Orono PaupersReport on the petition of the Selectmen to be relieved of the support of1825
74Orono Petition SignersSee Treat, Nathaniel and others 1835 GY 93-17
75Orono Petition SignersSee Savage, Nelson and others 1835 GY 93-34

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