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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Order relative to giving Overseers of the Poor power to take property of1839
2FrankfortReport on the Petition of Amos Treat and others of Frankfort that the time allowed for Overseers of the Poor to give notice, may be limited to fifteen days1844
3HodgdonReport on the Petition of the Overseers of the Poor for aid1834
4KitteryReport on the Petition of Overseers of the Poor that the Town of, may be remunerated for expenses incurred in supporting a foreign pauper1831
5LewistonPetition of Overseers of the Poor for aid from the State in support of paupers1822
6Overseers of the PoorReport on the Petition of Amos Treat and others of Frankfort that the time allowed for Overseers of the Poor to give notice, may be limited to fifteen days1844
7Overseers of the PoorAn Act to make valid certain Acts of the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Vienna1852
8PaupersAn Act to make valid certain Acts of the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Vienna1852
9Poor, Overseers ofReport on the Petition of Amos Treat and others of Frankfort that the time allowed for Overseers of the Poor to give notice, may be limited to fifteen days1844
10Public AssistanceAn Act to make valid certain Acts of the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Vienna1852
11Supreme Judicial Court OpinionsQuestions submitted to, for their opinion relative to persons under care of Overseers of the Poor, being able to vote for State Officers, and answers to same1831
12Treat, Amos and othersReport on the Petition of Amos Treat and others of Frankfort that the time allowed for Overseers of the Poor to give notice, may be limited to fifteen days1844
13ViennaAn Act to make valid certain Acts of the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Vienna1852

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