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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Petition that they may be authorized to build a toll bridge across the Sebasticook River in Palmyra, and remonstrance of Bryant Williams and others1838
2Report on the Petition for a part of lot number nineteen in the sixth, Range in Palmyra to be set off and annexed to Hartland1838
3Clements, Samuel and othersReport on an Act to incorporate a fire insurance company in the town of Palmyra1861
4Fairbrother, WilliamPetition of, to be set off from Palmyra and annexed to Warsaw1824
5Fire Insurance CompaniesReport on an Act to incorporate a fire insurance company in the town of Palmyra1861
6Insurance CompaniesReport on an Act to incorporate a fire insurance company in the town of Palmyra1861
7Lancey, Samuel and othersReport on the petition for the enlargement of the Town of Palmyra by annexing part of Pittsfield and remonstrance of John L. Weymouth and others1828
8Manufacturers: FlaxAn Act to incorporate the Palmyra and Pittsfield Flax and Hemp Company1849
9Manufacturers: HempAn Act to incorporate the Palmyra and Pittsfield Flax and Hemp Company1849
10MillsAn Act to incorporate the Palmyra and Pittsfield Flax and Hemp Company1849
11Moore, Joseph M. and othersAn Act to incorporate the Palmyra and Pittsfield Flax and Hemp Company1849
12PalmyraPetition for sale of public lands1824
13PalmyraPetition of Jonathan Powers and others to be set off and annexed to Warsaw1824
14PalmyraSee Warsaw 1824 PS 29-51
15PalmyraSee Fairbrother, William 1824 GY 27-14
16PalmyraAn Act to annex a part of, to Pittsfield1828
17PalmyraSee Lancey, Samuel and others 1828 GY 51-3
18PalmyraSee Pittsfield 1834 GY 87-20
19PalmyraReport on the Petition of Paul Brown and others for an alteration of the Poor Debtors Law1842
20PalmyraReport on the Petition of Isaac Waterhouse and others for a new county1845
21PalmyraReport on an Act to incorporate a fire insurance company in the town of Palmyra1861
22Palmyra and Pittsfield Flax and Hemp CompanyAn Act to incorporate the Palmyra and Pittsfield Flax and Hemp Company1849
23Palmyra Petition SignersSee Kennebec Dam Company 1834 PS 107-134
24Palmyra Petition SignersReport on the Petition of William E. Bates and others for reversal of the Militia Law of 18481853
25Palmyra Petition SignersReport on sundry Petitions and Remonstrances for new counties1853

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