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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 26 to 50 of 56

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26ParishesAn additional Act respecting1835
27ParishesReport on an additional Act concerning1835
28ParishesSee Shapleigh Baptist Parsonage 1835 GY 92-12
29ParishesSee Bath Third Parish 1835 PS 118-129
30ParishesAn Act to authorize the Committee of the First Parish in Camden to dispose of their ministerial lot1841
31ParishesAn Act to authorize the Committee of the Camden Second Universalist Parish to dispose of their ministerial lot1842
32ParishesReport on the Petition of the Bethel North Parish for a division of said Town1842
33ParishesReport on an Act authorizing the Proprietors of the New Congregational Meeting House in Saco to sell and dispose of the same to the First Parish in Saco and to accept the surrender of the Charter thereof and remonstrance of Jonathan Tucker and others1843
34ParishesAn Act to authorize the Committee of the First Universalist Society in Camden being the second Parish in said Camden, to dispose of their ministerial lot1843
35ParishesAn Act to authorize the Trustees of the Ministerial Fund of the First Parish of Acton to convey the same and the remonstrance of Morris Dalton and others1843
36ParishesAn Act Authorizing the sale of the Bethel Congregational Meeting House in the West Parish1845
37ParishesAn Act authorizing the sale of the Boothbay Congregational Meetinghouse in the First Parish1845
38ParishesReport on the Petition of Robert Chase and others for a change in the law relating to the Ministerial Fund in the Second Parish in Camden1847
39ParishesResolve making valid the doings of the First Universalist Society in Augusta1849
40ParishesAn Act authorizing parishes in certain cases to procure insurance upon buildings used for religious purposes1850
41ParishesAn Act giving certain powers to the First Parish in Freeport1851
42ParishesReport on the Petition of William Smyth and others that an Act might be passed for the taxation of pews in the First Parish in Brunswick1852
43ParishesReport on the Petition of Lewis Goodwin and others for an Act of incorporation of the Second Free Will Baptist Parish and Society of Parsonsfield1852
44ParishesAn Act to change the name of the Second Parish in North Yarmouth1852
45ParishesAn Act additional to an Act entitled an Act to establish a ministerial fund in the Congregational Parish in the Town of Sanford, in the County of York, passed February 12, 18241853
46ParishesReport on an Act to exempt certain personal property from taxation1853
47ParishesAn Act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Universalist Meeting House in Bath, into a Parish1853
48ParishesReport on the Order relative to amending Section 8 of Chapter 119 of the Revised Statutes1853
49ParishesAn Act to authorize the owners of pews in the meetinghouse of the South Parish in Hallowell to make alterations in said house (No Petition)1854
50ParishesAn Act to authorize the First Congregational Society in Eastport to alter or rebuild their meeting house1854

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