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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Petition for a sluice at the Grand Falls on the Passadumkeag River, Hancock County1836
2Report on the Petition that he may be permitted to erect a boom on the Passadumkeag River1837
3Report on the Petition that they may be set off from the north part of Greenbush and the south part of Passadumkeag and be incorporated into a Town by the name of Olamon and remonstrance of James Sanders, Jr., and others1837
4Report on the Petition that the south part of Passadumkeag and the north part of Greenbush may be incorporated into a Town called Oleman and remonstrance of Trisham F. Jordan and others1838
5Report on the Petition of Joshua Hathaway that the State may grant him a deed of a certain lot of land in Passadumkeag1855
6Report on the Petition of James B. Cleaveland and others that an appropriation may be made to aid in building a bridge at Passadumkeag1855
7Academies, Schools and CollegesReport on the Petition of the School Committee of Passadumkeag in aid of schools in said Town1852
8Acts and ResolvesResolve in favor of the Town of Passadumkeag1849
9Babcock, Asa W. and othersReport on the Petition of Asa W. Babcock and others to build a dam and make other improvements on the Passadumkeag River1850
10BoomsAn Act to amend an Act to incorporate the Passadumkeag Boom Company, approved Feb. 24, 18641864
11BoomsAn Act to incorporate the Passadumkeag Boom Company1864
12Cleaveland, James B. and othersResolve in favor of Passadumkeag Bridge1853
13County TaxesResolve in favor of the Towns of Passadumkeag, Greenbush and Lowell1841
14Dam, Samuel and othersAn Act to set off a part of Passadumkeag to Lowell1842
15Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Grand Falls Dam Company on the Passadumkeag River1850
16Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Petition of Asa W. Babcock and others to build a dam and make other improvements on the Passadumkeag River1850
17Dams, Locks and SluicesReport on the Petition of Andrew J. Roberts and others for an Act to build a dam across the Passadumkeag Stream1854
18Dams, Locks and SluicesAn Act in relation to the dams on the Passadumkeag River1854
19Gilman, B. P. and othersAn Act to incorporate the Passadumkeag Boom Company1864
20Grand Falls Dam CompanyAn Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Grand Falls Dam Company on the Passadumkeag River1850
21GreenbushResolve in favor of the Towns of Passadumkeag, Greenbush and Lowell1841
22GreenbushReport on the Petition of John Haskell and others that they may be set off from Greenbush to Passadumkeag1852
23Haskell, John and othersReport on the Petition of John Haskell and others that they may be set off from Greenbush to Passadumkeag1852
24Jordan, Tristram F. and othersResolve in favor of the Town of Passadumkeag1845
25Land AgentResolve in favor of the Town of Passadumkeag1843

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