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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 51 to 75 of 107

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51Patten Petition SignersSundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, 1846 (alphabetical by town)1847
52Patten Petition SignersAn Act authorizing the further extension of the European and North American Railway1864
53Patten SelectmenCommunication of S. E. Benjamin for the Selectmen of Patten relative to the Maine Reports and others documents distributed to Towns1854
54Patten to Eagle Lake RoadReport on the Petition of Amos M. Roberts and others relative to road repair in certain areas1852
55Patten to the Allagash River RoadReport on the Petition of Jonathan Twitchell and others for an appropriation to construct a road from Patten to the Allagash River1853
56Patten, A. S. and othersReport on the Petition of A. S. Patten and others for a revision of the Constitution of this State; also Petition of Samuel Stinchfield and others for biennial sessions of the Legislature1853
57Patten, Abraham S. and othersPetition to abolish the Court of Common Pleas, extend the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace and to diminish and regulate the Fee Bill beyond the control of Bar Rules1835
58Patten, AmosSee Letters of Acceptance 1827 GY 46-28
59Patten, AmosSee Bangor Pier Corporation 1834 PS 108-139
60Patten, Amos and othersReport on the petition for a repeal of the law of February 10, 1825 respecting Ferries1828
61Patten, Amos and othersSee Bangor Insurance Company 1833 PS 92-31
62Patten, Amos and othersSee Bangor Savings Institution 1833 PS 91-7
63Patten, Charles Lyman from Smith, Joseph LymanAn Act to change the names of certain persons1845
64Patten, David and othersAn Act to incorporate the Bath Mutual Marine Insurance Company (SS)1853
65Patten, David H. and othersAn Act establishing a Commissioner of Common Schools in each County in the State1852
66Patten, David H. and othersAn Act to incorporate the Charleston Steam Mill Company (SS)1853
67Patten, Ebenezer G.Resolve in favor of Ebenezer G. Patten1844
68Patten, Ebenezer S.Report of the Committee to receive votes for Messenger1844
69Patten, George F. and othersAn Act to incorporate the Lincoln Bank1847
70Patten, John and othersSee Cathance River 1826 PS 42-82
71Patten, John and othersReport on the Petition of Charles Perry and others that they may be set off from Bowdoinham and annexed to Richmond and remonstrance of John Patten and others1849
72Patten, John and othersAn Act to incorporate the Bath and Boston Steam Navigation Company1861
73Patten, John and othersPetitions relating to a law passed on an Act to incorporate the Union Ferry Company1862
74Patten, John, MayorAn Act additional to the Act to incorporate the City of Bath1852
75Patten, Joseph and othersSee Scowhegan (sic) Free Bridge 1833 PS 93-39

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