Search Results
Results 51 to 75 of 87
Subject | Description | Year | |
51 | Piers and Wharves | An Act to incorporate the Rockland Long Wharf Company | 1854 |
52 | Piers and Wharves | An Act authorizing the extending of a wharf into tide waters at Rockland | 1854 |
53 | Piers and Wharves | An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Atlantic Ship Wharf and Lime Manufacturing Company | 1854 |
54 | Piers and Wharves | An Act to incorporate the Lubec Steamboat Wharf Company (No Petition) | 1854 |
55 | Piers and Wharves | An Act to revive the Act establishing the Belfast Steamboat Wharf Company and to authorize the owners of said steamboat wharf to maintain said wharf | 1854 |
56 | Piers and Wharves | An Act to authorize Leander Morton to construct a wharf in tide waters in the Town of Bristol | 1854 |
57 | Piers and Wharves | An Act authorizing the City of Bath to determine how far wharves and piers may extend into the Kennebec River | 1854 |
58 | Piers and Wharves | An Act authorizing the extension of a wharf into tide waters of Eastport Harbor | 1854 |
59 | Piers and Wharves | An Act additional authorizing the City of Bangor to regulate the building of wharves in Kenduskeag Stream and Penobscot River | 1854 |
60 | Piers and Wharves | An Act authorizing the extension of a wharf into tide waters of the Castine River | 1855 |
61 | Piers and Wharves | An Act authorizing the erection of a wharf in tide waters in the City of Augusta | 1855 |
62 | Piers and Wharves | An Act authorizing the extension of a wharf into tide waters of Penobscot Bay, at Islesborough | 1855 |
63 | Piers and Wharves | An Act to authorize Seward Merrill and others to construct a wharf in the waters of Portland Harbor and remonstrance of the Atlantic and Saint Lawrence Railroad Company | 1855 |
64 | Piers and Wharves | An Act to authorize the extension of the Steamboat Wharf in Searsport into the tide waters of the Penobscot Bay | 1855 |
65 | Piers and Wharves | An Act to incorporate the Lincolnville Steam Boat Wharf Company (No Petition) | 1855 |
66 | Piers and Wharves | An Act to incorporate the Dana Wharf Company | 1861 |
67 | Piers and Wharves | An Act authorizing the extension of a railway & the building of piers & wharves for accomodation thereof into the tide waters … at Bucksport | 1862 |
68 | Piers and Wharves | An Act to authorize Isaac Bickford to enlarge and extend his wharf into the tide waters at the pool in Biddeford | 1862 |
69 | Piers and Wharves | Report on the petition of J.M. Wiswell to build a wharf in the tide water in East Machias | 1862 |
70 | Piers and Wharves | An Act to authorize the Trustees of the Insane Hospital to build a wharf in the Kennebec River | 1862 |
71 | Piers and Wharves | Report on the petition of Jesse Thomas and others to build a wharf in the tide water in Friendship | 1862 |
72 | Piers and Wharves | Report on a petition of David Wass and others for permission to extend a wharf into tide waters at Addison | 1863 |
73 | Piers and Wharves | An Act to authorize Tristram Goldthwaite and Lyman F. Verrill to construct a wharf at the "Pool" in Biddeford | 1863 |
74 | Piers and Wharves | An Act to authorize Albert Trufant and others to extend their wharf in Harpswell | 1863 |
75 | Piers and Wharves | An Act authorizing the construction of a wharf in Milbridge | 1863 |
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