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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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51Piers and WharvesAn Act to incorporate the Rockland Long Wharf Company1854
52Piers and WharvesAn Act authorizing the extending of a wharf into tide waters at Rockland1854
53Piers and WharvesAn Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Atlantic Ship Wharf and Lime Manufacturing Company1854
54Piers and WharvesAn Act to incorporate the Lubec Steamboat Wharf Company (No Petition)1854
55Piers and WharvesAn Act to revive the Act establishing the Belfast Steamboat Wharf Company and to authorize the owners of said steamboat wharf to maintain said wharf1854
56Piers and WharvesAn Act to authorize Leander Morton to construct a wharf in tide waters in the Town of Bristol1854
57Piers and WharvesAn Act authorizing the City of Bath to determine how far wharves and piers may extend into the Kennebec River1854
58Piers and WharvesAn Act authorizing the extension of a wharf into tide waters of Eastport Harbor1854
59Piers and WharvesAn Act additional authorizing the City of Bangor to regulate the building of wharves in Kenduskeag Stream and Penobscot River1854
60Piers and WharvesAn Act authorizing the extension of a wharf into tide waters of the Castine River1855
61Piers and WharvesAn Act authorizing the erection of a wharf in tide waters in the City of Augusta1855
62Piers and WharvesAn Act authorizing the extension of a wharf into tide waters of Penobscot Bay, at Islesborough1855
63Piers and WharvesAn Act to authorize Seward Merrill and others to construct a wharf in the waters of Portland Harbor and remonstrance of the Atlantic and Saint Lawrence Railroad Company1855
64Piers and WharvesAn Act to authorize the extension of the Steamboat Wharf in Searsport into the tide waters of the Penobscot Bay1855
65Piers and WharvesAn Act to incorporate the Lincolnville Steam Boat Wharf Company (No Petition)1855
66Piers and WharvesAn Act to incorporate the Dana Wharf Company1861
67Piers and WharvesAn Act authorizing the extension of a railway & the building of piers & wharves for accomodation thereof into the tide waters … at Bucksport1862
68Piers and WharvesAn Act to authorize Isaac Bickford to enlarge and extend his wharf into the tide waters at the pool in Biddeford1862
69Piers and WharvesReport on the petition of J.M. Wiswell to build a wharf in the tide water in East Machias1862
70Piers and WharvesAn Act to authorize the Trustees of the Insane Hospital to build a wharf in the Kennebec River1862
71Piers and WharvesReport on the petition of Jesse Thomas and others to build a wharf in the tide water in Friendship1862
72Piers and WharvesReport on a petition of David Wass and others for permission to extend a wharf into tide waters at Addison1863
73Piers and WharvesAn Act to authorize Tristram Goldthwaite and Lyman F. Verrill to construct a wharf at the "Pool" in Biddeford1863
74Piers and WharvesAn Act to authorize Albert Trufant and others to extend their wharf in Harpswell1863
75Piers and WharvesAn Act authorizing the construction of a wharf in Milbridge1863

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