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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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26NewportReport on the Petition of Horace Bennet and others to be set off from Plymouth and annexed to Newport1846
27Penobscot CountyAn Act establishing the line between the town of Detroit in the County of Somerset and the Town of Plymouth in the County of Penobscot1844
28Phipps, MarthaResolve in favor of Martha Phipps for a lot in Plymouth Grant1862
29Phipps, Stephen E.Resolve in favor of Martha Phipps for a lot in Plymouth Grant1862
30Plummer, EdwinReport on the Petition of Edwin Plummer for remuneration for property seized by the Land Agent on the Plymouth Township on the Aroostook in 1839.1842
31PlymouthAn Act to incorporate the Town of1826
32PlymouthSee Morrill, Abraham and others 1833 GY 77-27
33PlymouthReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Detroit and Plymouth that the town lines between said towns may be established1843
34PlymouthReport on the Petition of the Selectmen of Plymouth that the lines of the corners of the town may be established agreeable to the Petition of the Inhabitants of Detroit1843
35PlymouthAn Act establishing the line between the town of Detroit in the County of Somerset and the Town of Plymouth in the County of Penobscot1844
36PlymouthReport on the Petition of Isaac Waterhouse and others for a new county1845
37PlymouthReport on an Act to set off Simeon Billings and land from Plymouth to Newport1845
38PlymouthReport on the Petition of Horace Bennet and others to be set off from Plymouth and annexed to Newport1846
39PlymouthReport on the Petition of William Lyon and others that they may be set off from Plymouth and annexed to Detroit and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Plymouth1849
40Plymouth BridgeSee Eaton's Bridge 1831 RS 34-67
41Plymouth GrantResolve in relation to the purchase of the Eaton and Plymouth Grants1855
42Plymouth GrantResolve in favor of Martha Phipps for a lot in Plymouth Grant1862
43Plymouth GrantReport on the petition of Charles & John McDonnell ... to make provisions to save them their rights in certain lots of land in Plymouth Grant1862
44Plymouth GrantReport on the petition of David Weston and others of Plymouth Grant that the Land Agent deed him land in compensation for loss of part of a lot …1862
45Plymouth Petition SignersPetitions to supress the sale of Intoxicating Liquors (with female petition signers also)1845
46Plymouth Petition SignersSundry Petitions and Remonstrances relative to an Act to restrict the sale of intoxicating drinks, approved August 7, 1846 (alphabetical by town)1847
47Plymouth Petition SignersAn Act to make valid the doings of Cities, Towns and Plantations relating to bounties for soldiers, drafted men and substitutes1865
48Plymouth TownshipReport on the Petition of Edwin Plummer for remuneration for property seized by the Land Agent on the Plymouth Township on the Aroostook in 1839.1842
49Plymouth TownshipResolve in favor of David Weston for a deed to land in Plymouth Township, Aroostook County1863
50Public LandsReport on the petition of David Weston and others of Plymouth Grant that the Land Agent deed him land in compensation for loss of part of a lot …1862

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