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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Acts and Resolves 1861, Chapter 040Report on a bill to repeal Chapter 40 Public Laws of 1861 that certain towns & plantations are restricted as to closing time of polls on election day1863
2Acts and Resolves 1861, Chapter 040A bill to amend Chapter 40 of the Public Laws of 1861 that certain towns and plantations may close the polls earlier than 5 P.M.1864
3Alien Residents PollsReport on the Order relative to amending Chapter 14, Section 17 of the Maine Revised Statutes1842
4Assessors' ReturnsOrder as relates to the number of ministers, polls of Shakers, Quakers and Paupers1821
5BangorAn Act to authorize the City of Bangor to collect taxes assessed upon the polls and estates of said City for the year 1853 and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Veazie1854
6BurnhamResolve to correct a clerical error in the number of polls and valuation of the Town of Burnham and for correcting the State and County Tax in said Town1842
7Burnham, John and othersReport on the Petition of John Burnham and others of Orland that the interest arising from the Ministerial Fund may be applied for the support of the gospel according to the number of rateable polls in each society1847
8Chapter 040, 1861 Public LawsReport on a bill to repeal Chapter 40 Public Laws of 1861 that certain towns & plantations are restricted as to closing time of polls on election day1863
9Chapter 040, 1861 Public LawsA bill to amend Chapter 40 of the Public Laws of 1861 that certain towns and plantations may close the polls earlier than 5 P.M.1864
10County TaxResolve to correct an error in the number of polls of the Town of Poland and for correcting the State and County Tax on said Town1842
11County TaxResolve to correct a clerical error in the number of polls and valuation of the Town of Burnham and for correcting the State and County Tax in said Town1842
12Dearborn PlantationResolve transferring the polls and estates of the State Valuation of Dearborn Plantation and annexing the same to the Town of Waterville in the County of Kennebec1843
13Durham Petition SignersAn Act regulating the time of closing the polls in elections in certain towns and plantations1861
14ElectionsReport on the Order relative to an Act to regulate the closing of the polls at the Presidential and annual elections1848
15ElectionsAn Act regulating the time of closing the polls in elections in certain towns and plantations1861
16ElectionsReport on a bill to repeal Chapter 40 Public Laws of 1861 that certain towns & plantations are restricted as to closing time of polls on election day1863
17ElectionsA bill to amend Chapter 40 of the Public Laws of 1861 that certain towns and plantations may close the polls earlier than 5 P.M.1864
18Gospel, SupportReport on the Petition of John Burnham and others of Orland that the interest arising from the Ministerial Fund may be applied for the support of the gospel according to the number of rateable polls in each society1847
19Jonesboro PollsResolve transferring, and taxable property to Jonesport1832
20JonesportSee Jonesboro Polls 1832 RS 36-37
21Ministerial FundReport on the Petition of John Burnham and others of Orland that the interest arising from the Ministerial Fund may be applied for the support of the gospel according to the number of rateable polls in each society1847
22Ministers of the GospelResolve directing the assessors to return the polls of Shakers and Quakers and the property of1820
23MonroeResolve for reducing the number of polls in the valuation of1822
24OrlandReport on the Petition of John Burnham and others of Orland that the interest arising from the Ministerial Fund may be applied for the support of the gospel according to the number of rateable polls in each society1847
25Pickering, G. W.An Act to authorize the City of Bangor to collect taxes assessed upon the polls and estates of said City for the year 1853 and remonstrance of the Selectmen of Veazie1854

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