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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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Results 1 to 25 of 84

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1Aroostook County Probate JudgeAn Act to increase the salaries of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Aroostook1842
2Aroostook County Probate JudgeAn Act to increase the salary of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Aroostook1865
3Aroostook County, Probate JudgeAn Act to increase the salary of the Judge of Probate for the County of Aroostook1855
4Beals, John and othersAn Act to establish the salary of the Probate Judge in Waldo County1844
5Franklin County Probate JudgeReport on a bill for an increase of fees for Register of Probate and increase of salary for Judge and Register of Probate for Franklin County1865
6GuardiansAn Act giving additional powers to Probate Judges in certain cases1844
7Hancock County Probate JudgeReport on the Petition of Parker Tuck for increase of salary of Judge of Probate for Hancock County1848
8Johnson, Alfred, Jr.Report on the Petition for an increase of salary as Probate Judge1835
9Kennebec County Probate JudgeReport on a bill for an Act to increase the salary of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Kennebec1865
10Kennebec County Probate Judge SalarySee Fuller, Henry W. 1829 GY 55-25
11Lincoln County Probate JudgeSee Bailey, Jeremiah 1826 GY 45-28
12Lincoln County Probate JudgeAn Act to establish the salaries of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Lincoln1861
13Oxford County Probate JudgeSee Probate Judges 1832 GY 74-24
14Oxford County Probate JudgeAn Act to increase the salary of the Judge of Probate for Oxford County1850
15Oxford County, Probate JudgeAn Act to increase the salary of the Judge of Probate for the County of Oxford1855
16Piscataquis County Probate JudgeAn Act to establish the salaries of the Judge of Probate and Register of Probate for the County of Piscataquis1865
17Probate JudgeAn Act in addition to the 106th Chapter of the Revised Statutes in relation to the publication of notices ordered by any Judge of Probate1850
18Probate JudgeReport on an Act to increase the salaries of the Judge and Register of Probate for Piscataquis County1852
19Probate Judge and Register SalariesAn Act to increase the salaries of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Aroostook1842
20Probate Judge SalariesAn Act to establish1821
21Probate Judge SalariesAn Act in addition to the Act to establish1824
22Probate Judge SalariesAn Act regarding1825
23Probate Judge SalariesAn Act to equalize the salaries of Probate Judges1843
24Probate Judge SalaryReport on an Act to establish the salary of the Judge of Probate for the County of Piscataquis1843
25Probate Judge, Aroostook CountyAn Act to increase the salary of the Judge of Probate for the County of Aroostook1855

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