Search Results
Results 1 to 25 of 69
Subject | Description | Year | |
1 | Aroostook County Probate Register | An Act to increase the salary of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Aroostook | 1865 |
2 | Aroostook County, Probate Register | An Act to increase the salary of the Register of Probate for the County of Aroostook | 1855 |
3 | Cumberland County Probate Register | See Register of Probate 1828 GY 54-44 | |
4 | Cumberland County Probate Register | See Southgate, Horatio 1828 GY 54-45 | |
5 | Franklin County Probate Register | An Act to increase the salary of the Register of Probate for the County of Franklin | 1864 |
6 | Franklin County Probate Register | Report on a bill for an increase of fees for Register of Probate and increase of salary for Judge and Register of Probate for Franklin County | 1865 |
7 | Hancock County Probate Register | An Act to increase the salary of the Register of Probate for the County of Hancock | 1865 |
8 | Lincoln County Probate Register | An Act to establish the salaries of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Lincoln | 1861 |
9 | Oxford County Probate Register | An Act to increase the salary of the Register of Probate for the County of Oxford | 1850 |
10 | Penobscot County, Probate Register | Report on the Petition of James F. Rawson that the salary of the Register of Probate for the County of Penobscot may be increased | 1852 |
11 | Piscataquis County Probate Register | An Act to establish the salaries of the Judge of Probate and Register of Probate for the County of Piscataquis | 1865 |
12 | Probate Register | Report on a Resolve providing for a constitutional amendment in relation to the offices of sheriffs and judges and register of probate | 1843 |
13 | Probate Register | Report on an Order relative to providing for choice of Register of Probate by the People | 1843 |
14 | Probate Register | Report on the Petition of Calvin Porter and others that the officers of Sheriff and Register of Probate be elected by the People and the offices of Attorney General and Reporter of Judicial Decisions be abolished | 1844 |
15 | Probate Register | Report on the Petition of James F. Rawson that the salary of the Register of Probate for the County of Penobscot may be increased | 1852 |
16 | Probate Register | Report on an Act to increase the salaries of the Judge and Register of Probate for Piscataquis County | 1852 |
17 | Probate Register, Aroostook County | Report on the Petition of Samuel Gooch for an increase of salary as Register of Probate for Aroostook County | 1843 |
18 | Probate Register, Aroostook County | An Act to increase the salary of the Register of Probate for the County of Aroostook | 1855 |
19 | Probate Register, Aroostook County | An Act to increase the salary of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Aroostook | 1865 |
20 | Probate Register, Cumberland County | Report on the Petition of C. C. Tobie of the Register of Probate of Cumberland County, for an increase in salary | 1847 |
21 | Probate Register, Cumberland County | An Act to increase the salary of the Register of Probate for the County of Cumberland | 1852 |
22 | Probate Register, Cumberland County | Report on establishing salaries of Cumberland County Court Officers | 1862 |
23 | Probate Register, Franklin County | An Act to increase the salaries of the Judge and Register of Probate for the County of Franklin | 1847 |
24 | Probate Register, Franklin County | An Act to increase the salary of the Register of Probate for the County of Franklin | 1855 |
25 | Probate Register, Franklin County | An Act to increase the salary of the Register of Probate for the County of Franklin | 1864 |
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