Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1BilliardsAn Act to amend Section 8 of Chapter 27 of the Revised Statutes relating to billiards and other games in public houses1862
2Chapter 027 Section 8, Revised StatutesAn Act to amend Section 8 of Chapter 27 of the Revised Statutes relating to billiards and other games in public houses1862
3Public HousesAn Act to incorporate the Sagadahoc Company1847
4Public HousesReport on an Act relating to Innholders1848
5Public HousesAn Act to incorporate the Portland House Proprietary1849
6Public HousesAn Act to incorporate the Newcastle Hotel Company1849
7Public HousesAn Act to incorporate the Damariscotta Company (No Petition)1849
8Public HousesAn Act to incorporate the Eastport Hotel Company1850
9Public HousesAn Act to incorporate the Lewiston Hotel Company (No Petition)1850
10Public HousesAn Act to incorporate the Rockland Hotel Company1852
11Public HousesAn Act to incorporate the Machias Hotel Company1852
12Public HousesReport on the Petition of V. S. Palmer and others that they may be incorporated as the Kenduskeag Hotel Company1853
13Public HousesReport on the Petition of Rufus Small and others for an Act to incorporate the York County Hotel Company1853
14Public HousesAn Act to incorporate the Washington Hotel Company (No Petition)1854
15Public HousesAn Act to amend Section 8 of Chapter 27 of the Revised Statutes relating to billiards and other games in public houses1862
16Revised Statutes, Chapter 027 Section 8An Act to amend Section 8 of Chapter 27 of the Revised Statutes relating to billiards and other games in public houses1862

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