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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Report on the Order relative to Railroad Corporations, transportation of1837
2Acts and Resolves 1861, Chapter 021Report on an Order to amend or repeal Chapter 21 of the Public Laws of 1861 relative to stockholders of railroad corporations1862
3Androscoggin and Kennebec Railroad CompanyAn Act to repeal the 9th Section of an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the consolidation of certain railroad corporations1862
4BaggageAn Act concerning the effects of passengers transported by railroad corporations and other common carriers1853
5BondsReport on an Act additional to Chapter 51, Section 54 and 55 of the Revised Statutes regarding bond holders of railroad corporations1861
6Bonds, Railroad CorporationsAn Act in relation to bonds issued by railroad corporations1852
7Chapter 021, 1861 Public LawsReport on an Order to amend or repeal Chapter 21 of the Public Laws of 1861 relative to stockholders of railroad corporations1862
8Common CarriersAn Act concerning the effects of passengers transported by railroad corporations and other common carriers1853
9Corporation Returns, RailroadAn Act to amend an Act in relation to the returns of railroad corporations1855
10CorporationsReport on a bill to secure reights of stockholders in Railroad Corporations and also rights of creditors or Railroad Companies1863
11Corporations, RailroadReport on the Order relative to regulations and liabilities of railroad corporations1853
12Corporations, RailroadAn Act concerning the liability of railroad corporations and other passenger carriers for loss of life in certain cases1855
13Corporations, RailroadsReport on an Act additional to Chapter 51, Section 54 and 55 of the Revised Statutes regarding bond holders of railroad corporations1861
14CreditorsReport on a bill to secure reights of stockholders in Railroad Corporations and also rights of creditors or Railroad Companies1863
15Land DamagesReport on an Order in relation to the appraisal of damages for lands taken for railroad corporations1850
16Passenger CarriersAn Act concerning the liability of railroad corporations and other passenger carriers for loss of life in certain cases1855
17Penobscot and Kennebec RailroadAn Act to repeal the 9th Section of an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the consolidation of certain railroad corporations1862
18Railroad CorporationsReport on an Order in relation to the appraisal of damages for lands taken for railroad corporations1850
19Railroad CorporationsReport on the Order relative to regulations and liabilities of railroad corporations1853
20Railroad CorporationsAn Act concerning the liability of railroad corporations and other passenger carriers for loss of life in certain cases1855
21Railroad CorporationsAn Act in relation to stockholders of railroad corporations1861
22Railroad CorporationsCommunications from the Secretary of State1861
23Railroad CorporationsReport on an Act additional to Chapter 51, Section 54 and 55 of the Revised Statutes regarding bond holders of railroad corporations1861
24Railroad CorporationsReport on an Order to amend or repeal Chapter 21 of the Public Laws of 1861 relative to stockholders of railroad corporations1862
25Railroad CorporationsAn Act to repeal the 9th Section of an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the consolidation of certain railroad corporations1862

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