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Maine Legislative Index

1820-1855, 1861-1865

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1Acts and Resolves 1862, Chapter 186A bill to repeal Chapter 186 of the Public Laws of 1862 relating to the Registry of Deeds, Cumberland County1864
2AlfredReport of the York County Commissioners relative to a fire proof building at Alfred for the records and files of the Supreme Judicial Court and Registry of Deeds and Probate1851
3Aroostook County Registry of DeedsReport on the Petition of James Keegan and others for an additional Registry of Deeds in Aroostook County1845
4Aroostook County, Northern District ofAn Act to establish a Registry of Deeds and one term yearly of the Court of Probate in the Northern District of Aroostook County1845
5Attachments, Real EstateReport on the Order for a law registering all, in the Registry of Deeds in said county1831
6Chapter 186, 1862 Private and Special LawsA bill to repeal Chapter 186 of the Public Laws of 1862 relating to the Registry of Deeds, Cumberland County1864
7County Commissioners, York CountyReport of the York County Commissioners relative to a fire proof building at Alfred for the records and files of the Supreme Judicial Court and Registry of Deeds and Probate1851
8Cumberland County Registry of DeedsA bill to repeal Chapter 186 of the Public Laws of 1862 relating to the Registry of Deeds, Cumberland County1864
9Deeds, Registry ofAn Act to establish a Registry of Deeds and one term yearly of the Court of Probate in the Northern District of Aroostook County1845
10Deeds, Registry ofReport on an Order relative to the Registry of Deeds of real estate1848
11Deeds, Registry ofReport of the York County Commissioners relative to a fire proof building at Alfred for the records and files of the Supreme Judicial Court and Registry of Deeds and Probate1851
12Deeds, Registry of, Aroostook CountyReport on the Petition of James Keegan and others for an additional Registry of Deeds in Aroostook County1845
13Keegan, James and othersReport on the Petition of James Keegan and others for an additional Registry of Deeds in Aroostook County1845
14Madawaska PlantationAn Act to establish a Registry of Deeds and one term yearly of the Court of Probate in the Northern District of Aroostook County1845
15Probate CourtAn Act to establish a Registry of Deeds and one term yearly of the Court of Probate in the Northern District of Aroostook County1845
16Probate, Judge and RegisterReport on the Order of providing by law for the appointment of a, for that part of the County of Washington within the limits of the Northern District for the Registry of Deeds1832
17Probate, Registry ofReport of the York County Commissioners relative to a fire proof building at Alfred for the records and files of the Supreme Judicial Court and Registry of Deeds and Probate1851
18Real EstateReport on an Order relative to the Registry of Deeds of real estate1848
19Registry of DeedsReport on an Order relative to the Registry of Deeds of real estate1848
20Registry of Deeds, Cumberland CountyA bill to repeal Chapter 186 of the Public Laws of 1862 relating to the Registry of Deeds, Cumberland County1864
21Supreme Judicial Court RecordsReport of the York County Commissioners relative to a fire proof building at Alfred for the records and files of the Supreme Judicial Court and Registry of Deeds and Probate1851

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